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Biodynamics Journal

Fall 2008

Opportunities for New Farmers and Gardeners

Fall 2008 CoverNow more than ever we need the influx of new energy and motivation, new excitement, new willingness to help heal the Earth. As society begins to recognize the intertwined natures of food production and human and ecological health, we realize that new biodynamic farmers and gardeners will be critical to the rejuvenation of our world and our selves. Supporting a new generation (whether young or old) requires a multi-pronged approach — one that looks, among other things, at training, access to land, and access to capital.

We have only begun to ponder how to support such growth. Please join our discussion.

To become a member, help support biodynamic agriculture, and receive this journal four times a year, please read more at on our membership page. You may start or renew your membership online, by calling (800) 516-7797, or by emailing Gift memberships are also available. We greatly appreciate your membership support, which is especially important in these challenging times.

Check out selected articles in the Summer 2008, Spring 2008, Winter 2008, and Fall 2007 issues.

Click here for submission and editorial information. Advertising information is available in pdf format.

Summer 2008: Research

Spring 2008: Associative Economics and Community Supported Agriculture

Winter 2008: Biodynamic Agriculture Past, Present, and Future — 70th Anniversary of the Association

Fall 2007: Commemoration of Herbert H. Koepf
Additional Articles
Nature Spirits: How Can We Help Them? — Beth Wieting (from the upcoming Winter 2009 issue)