Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Fire in North American Wetland Ecosystems and Fire-Wildlife Relations: An Annotated Bibliography


This bibliography is one result of ongoing effort to increase the biological management capabilities of the Services' operational arms. Cooperators in compiling this bibliography were the Fish and Wildlife Service's Research and Development Office of Information Transfer and the Division of Refuges staff of the Assistant Director for Refuges and Wildlife. The support of J.F. Gillett, J.R. Eadie, and L.F. Beaty (respectively Chief, Deputy Chief, and Chief of the Branch of Resource Management of the Division of Refuge Management when this project was initiated); and R.E. Gilmore (previously Deputy Associate Director, National Wildlife Refuge System) in this cooperative effort is acknowledged. We also acknowledge F.A. Belcher, J.E. Cornely, A.D. Kruse, A R. Taylor, and D.Q. Thompson for their review of early drafts. KF. Higgins, L.M. Smith, and R.W. Wein provided comments on the penultimate draft and suggested additional references, but we assume responsibility for any deficiencies. Assistance by the Colorado State University's Morgan Library Science Reference staff, Fort Collins, CO, in obtaining interlibrary loan material, and the assistance of the following in obtaining other items was invaluable to this review: the Department of the Interior Natural Resources Library, Washington, DC, particularly B.L. Graff; L.J. Garrett (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD); A M. Kokott and A. Zimmerman (Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND); D.L. Dwyer (Denver Wildlife Research Center, Denver, CO); M.W. Herschcopf (Colorado Divison of Wildlife, Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, CO); and F.J. Barney (Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO). The original photograph on which the cover was based was provided by J. Wilbrecht of National Elk Refuge. Funding for this publication was obtained from the Office of Information Transfer and the Division of Refuges.

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