Agricultural Services of Public Service Activites

Agricultural Service Laboratory
Provides analytical and diagnostic testing of soil, feed and forage, plant tissue, irrigation water, animal waste, and compost.

animal waste | compost | feed & forages | irrigation water
plant tissue | soil testing | solutions & other

Cooperative Extension Service
Transfers science-based information to individuals, groups and communities, and helps them apply that information to improve their quality of life. Extension agents serve each of South Carolina’s 46 counties.

Department of Pesticide Regulation
Works to protect health, property, and our environment by promoting the safe and proper use of pesticides.

Department of Plant Industry
Serves to protect South Carolina's agricultural resources and natural ecosystems from the introduction and spread of plant and honey bee pests and invasive species and serves to enhance the efficiency of South Carolina's agricultural producers by providing unbiased, third party quality assurance programs for the fertilizer, organic and seed industries.

Home & Garden Information Center
Produces and delivers information on landscape, garden and indoor plants, plant pests and diseases, and food safety, nutrition, diet and health. More than 600 fact sheets are available online or by calling 1-888-656-9988 (SC Residents only).

Plant Problem Clinic & Nematode Assay
Provides diagnoses and management recommendations for plant problems, which include diseases, nematodes, weeds, and insect pests of plants. We also identify insects infesting structures, humans, pets and livestock.