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Dairy Your Way
A print copy of Dairy Your Way is available free from the MDA, 651-201-6012, or MISA, 612-625-8217, 800-909-6472,

—Online Version—

Complete Publication (PDF, 4.6 mb)

Front & Back Covers and Acknowledgements (PDF, 334 kb)

Chapters 1, 2, & 3 -- Housing Options (PDF, 916 kb)

Chapter 4 -- Grazing Production
(PDF, 713 kb)

Chapters 5 & 6 -- Organic Production and Custom Heifer Raising (PDF, 586 kb)

Chapters 7, 8 & 9 -- (PDF, 524 kb)
        Value-Added Processing, Milking Center Options, Entry & Exit Strategies

Worksheets and References
(PDF, 430 kb)

Additional publications in this series:

Poultry Your Way is available free from the MDA, 651-201-6012, or MISA, 612-625-8217, 800-909-6472,

Hogs Your Way can be ordered from the University of Minnesota Extension Distribution Center, 800-876-8636,, or you can view the full text on-line.