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What has the Mining Program accomplished?

3.2 Outcomes

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This section describes the safety and health accomplishments over the past ten years for each strategic goal of the Mining Research Plan. The section begins with a list of the seven strategic goals and strategic program outcomes produced through implementation of the research results for each goal. Listed within each goal are intermediate outcomes that support the strategic program outcomes. For each intermediate outcome, there is a brief description of the problem, research and development activities, R&D outputs and transfer activities, a description of the intermediate outcome, and a list of past outputs which contributed to the intermediate outcome.

Strategic Goals

Strategic Program Outcomes



Respiratory diseases - Reduce respiratory diseases in miners by reducing health hazards in the workplace associated with coal worker pneumoconiosis, silicosis, and diesel emissions.
Reducing Coal Dust Exposures Through Improved Monitoring and Control
Reducing Silica Exposures in Mining Through Improved Control Technologies
Reducing Exposures to Diesel Emissions Through Improved Monitoring and Control


Hearing loss - Reduce noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the mining industry.
Preventing Noise-induced Hearing Loss


Cumulative injuries - Reduce repetitive/cumulative musculoskeletal injuries in mine workers.
Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders


Traumatic injuries - Reduce traumatic injuries in the mining workplace.
Reducing Traumatic Injuries and Fatalities in Blasting
Reducing Electrically Related Traumatic Injuries
Reducing Machine-related Traumatic Injuries


Mine disasters - Reduce the risk of mine disasters (fires, explosions, and inundations); and minimize the risk to, and enhance the effectiveness of, emergency responders.
Preventing and Mitigating Mine Fires and Explosions


Ground control - Reduce ground failure fatalities and injuries in the mining industry.
Reducing Fatalities and Injuries Due to Ground Failures


Surveillance and training - Determine the impact of changing mining conditions, new and emerging technologies, training, and the changing patterns of work on worker health and safety.
Improved Training Materials and Methods to Prevent Injuries and Illnesses
Reducing the Hazards of Mining's Emerging Issues