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1/15/2009 For Drug Company, $1.4 Billion is Just the Cost of Doing Business - Drug giant Eli Lilly is in the final stages of negotiating a settlement in a case alleging that it marketed Zyprexa, an antipsychotic drug, for purposes that the FDA never approved. More


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Our Top Priority

It's Time For More Public Transportation

For too long, we've thrown money at "roads and bridges to nowhere" rather than making smart investments in public transportation. Public transportation improvements will reduce our dependence on oil, relieve traffic congestion and cut global warming.


PIRG Highlights

From the Newsroom



President Signs Major Product Safety Bill

Thanks to your calls and e-mails, in August the president has signed a major product safety overhaul bill. Among other provisions, the bill requires manufacturers to inspect toys and bans unsafe lead and phthalates from children's products. Read our press release.

Read more about this victoryRead more about our work on product safety



New Report On The High Cost Of Health Care

In July, the CALPIRG Education Fund released a new research report identifying three major strategies to reduce health care costs without sacrificing patient care. The report comes at a time when California lawmakers are considering major health care reform.

Read the report.Read the article in the San Diego Union-Tribune.