National Park Service History Collection RG 7


A. Provenance

This material was produced and collected by National Park Service personnel for the various international conferences and congresses in which the Service participated.

Many of the First World Conference files were produced, gathered and used by Doris Leonard in her work as coordinator of events leading up to the Conference. They arrived as Accession HFCA-0263 through William C. Everhart from Theodore Swem. The remainder came from Howard Baker and others involved in the First World Conference.

The Second World Conference was held in conjunction with the National Park Service Centennial. The bulk of that material came from the files of the NPS Centennial Commission transferred by Cornelius Heine in Accession HFCA-0174 Additional material came from other National Park Service participants.

The material from the World National Parks Congress (1982) was sent to Dr. Gary Wetterburg of the NPS International Affairs Division, WASO, who was one of the participants. A folder of articles was copied from periodicals.

The material from the First World Conference on Cultural Parks: Preservation and Use was produced mainly by the National Park Service. Some items gathered at the Conference were produced by other agencies or countries. This material came as Accession HFCA-0853 from Magaly Green, who served as a Spanish language interpreter at the Conference.

B. History

The First World Conference on National Parks was organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and held at Seattle, Washington, from June 30 to July 7, 1962. The Conference was co-sponsored by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the National Park Service and the Natural Resources Council of America. The Conference developed from a proposal made by Tsuyoshi Tamara, landscape architect and father of the Japanese National Park System, at the sixth meeting of the IUCN at Athens, Greece, in 1958. After much preliminary planning the Seventh General Assembly at Warsaw, Poland, in 1960, passed a resolution calling for such an IUCN sponsored conference. The Seattle World's Fair made meeting space available for the conference.

The First World Conference participants recommended that another conference be held at Yellowstone Park on the centennial of its establishment in1972. An invitation for a second conference to be held at Yellowstone was given by the Assistant Secretary of the Interior to the Tenth General Assembly of IUCN at New Delhi in 1966. The conference was sponsored and organized by the National Parks Centennial Commission, the National Park Service, and the IUCN. It was co-sponsored by UNESCO, FAO, and the Natural Resources Council of America. It was hoped that the conference could be held at Yellowstone but facilities proved inadequate and instead only 3 days of activity prior to the technical meeting, September 18 to 20, 1972, were held at Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone. The week long technical meeting was held at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park, September 21 to 27, 1972.

The World National Parks Congress was held in Bali, Indonesia, October 11 to 22, 1982. As with the First and Second World Conferences, the Congress was organized and sponsored by IUCN. Co-sponsors included the United Nations Education Program (UNEP), UNESCO, FAO, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Parks Canada, NPS, and the Government of Indonesia.

The Congress was opened by Vice President Adam Malik and other Indonesian officials. After a slide show and a session on major issues of the future the major part of the Congress consisted of keynote addresses, case studies, and future directions addresses from each of the world's eight biogeographic realms. The second week consisted of 3-day workshops on 3 major topics: managing protected areas in the tropics, managing coastal and marine protected areas, and training protected area personnel. State-of-the-art manuals were to be a product of these workshops. After a day's discussion of international support, the Congress closed with awards, the issuance of the Bali Declaration adoption of 20 recommendations, and the presentation of a 10-point action plan which was designed to guide the future activities of IUCN regarding protected areas into the next decade.

The First World Conference on Cultural Parks was an outgrowth of the World Heritage Convention adopted in 1972 by UNESCO. The National Park Service, along with other institutional and individual supporters, sponsored the meeting held at Mesa Verde National Park, a World Heritage Site, September 16 to 24, 1984.

C. Summary

As of 1986, there are four groups to the World Conference Preliminary Inventory.

Group I pertains to the First World Conference and consists of two archive boxes and a record box. One archive box contains position papers and the other is general material. The files of Doris Leonard, who coordinated events before and during the conference, are in the record box.

Group II is material from the Second World Conference. Three archive boxes and two record boxes make up this group. The archive boxes contain the general files, conference papers, and the files of Cornelius Heine. One record box contains a notebook on tours and eight notebooks on the registrations. The other has material on the invitees and the staff.

Group III contains the World National Parks Congress materials, that consist primarily of papers and some periodical articles.

Group IV is made up of materials of the First World Conference on Cultural Parks. The material is small in quantity and takes a half archive box but has been divided into 3 series: Green material, Sagan material, and Papers.

D. Dispersal

The material from the Centennial Commission, Accession HFCA-0174, has been widely dispersed however almost all Second World Conference material has been kept together. Likewise, almost all First World Conference material has been kept together. There are also some museum artifacts and photos. Audio tapes of the Second Conference are in the audio collection and listed in Part F. Published conference proceedings were issued, and are in the Harpers Ferry Center Library and the National Park Service History Collection.

All First World Conference on Cultural Parks material has been kept together.

E. Folders

Group I

Series I - General

I-1 - First World Conference (Box 1)

Magazine article - "World Conference on National Parks" by Richard M. Leonard in The Living Wilderness

Recommendations Proposed to the First World Conference on

National Parks

Magazine article reprint - "UN, INCH and the World's National Parks" in Pacific Discovery, July-August 1961

Correspondence file - Office of Public Affairs - First World Conference on National Parks

Conference document - UN List of National Parks and Equivalent Reserves, First World Conference, June 30 to July 7, 1962

Legislation Authorizing Secretary of the Interior to Cooperate with First World Conference, etc.

Photo prints from First World Conference on National Parks

Note folder - Contents: program, position papers, roster, etc.

Group I

Series II - Position Papers

I-2 - First World Conference (Box 2)

Position papers in above boxes:

"The National Park Idea" by Conrad L. Wirth, Director, NPS

"National Parks and Nature Reserves in Great Britain"

"National Parks of Yugoslavia"

"Notes on Natural Resources of Mauritius"

"National Parks and Nature Preserves in Sweden"

Address of Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall at the First World Conference... July 4, 1962

Address of Daniel B. Beard, Assistant Director, NPS, at the First World Conference...July 5, 1962

"Aspects of Marine Conservation" by Dr. Carleton Ray, New York Zoological Society

"Practical Experience Gained from Standards, Policies, and Planning Procedures in National Parks" by Lemuel A. Garrison, Superintendent, Yellowstone

"National Parks and Reserves are Indispensable to Research Under Undisturbed Natural Conditions" by Dr. Maurice Buckinger, Forestry Advisory, Argentina

"A Philosophic Concept for National Parks" by Sigurd F. Olsen

"The Role of International Agencies in the World Parks Programme" by Gerald G. Watterson, Secretary General, INCH

"The Role of International Agencies in World National Park Programs" by R. G. Fontaine, FAO

"Economic Values in Parks and Natural Preserves" by Herbert L. Mason -

"The Scientific Role of National Parks Particularly in Tropical Regions" by F. Bourliere, University of Paris, France

"The Strict Nature Reserve and Its Role" by Theodore Monode, L'Institute de l'Afrique Noire, Baker, Sengal

"Purposes, Principles and Policies for Which National Parks and Reserves are Established"

"Impress of National Parks and Reserves in Conservation, Education and Management" -M. A. Badsah and C. A. R Bhadran

"Conservation of Living Resources in the Arctic" by Robert Carrick, Australia

Group I

Series III - Doris Leonard Files

I-A - First World Conference - Doris Leonard Files - Accession

HFCA-0386 (Record Box)

Final List

World Conference, File 1 - 1962

World Conference, File 2 - 1962

World Conference, Hotel Arrangements

World Conference, Panelists Papers

World Conference - Bills and Receipts

World Conference on National Parks - Organization Charts

World Conference on National Parks - Budget and Finance

Conference Invitations - Participants

World Conference - Minutes

Programs - World Parks

Thank You Notes - Incoming

Four Replies

World Conference on National Parks - Original Irip Note

Conference - Observers

Conference Thank You Letters - Outgoing

Conference Participants Answers

World Conference - National Parks - Fleischman


Circular of Information

Group II

Series I - General

Second World Conference (Archive Box)

Illustrated Booklet - A Gathering of Nations: A Time of Purpose

Note folder - Welcome to Yellowstone

Note folder - Contains following papers:

Citation read by Mr. Edmund B. Thorton - Opening

Session, Second World Conference

Press list - Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, Second World Conference

Dedicatory Session - Second World Conference on National Parks, Yellowstone National Park, Agenda

Excerpts from remarks by George B. Hartzog, Jr., at Centennial Banquet

Summary of Hartzog Background Paper "Management Considerations for Optimum Development and Protection of National Park Resources"

"Management of Mountain Habitat on a Densely Populated Tropical Island" - Frank H. Wadsworth

Response - Mr. Edmund B. Thorton to Conservation Foundations Final Report

"National Parks for the Future: An Appraisal" Conservation Foundation

"The National Park System of the Future: One Congressman’s Assessment", Congressman John P. Saylor

Session III - Rapporteur Hamo Henke

Draft Recommendations - Issue 1, September 24, 1972, List of Participants

Film - Second World Conference (papers)

Working Staff for Second World Conference on National

Parks Language Specialists

Housing Needed at Grand Teton National Park for UPS Staff working, Second World Conference

News release - September 19, 1972, "Secretary Morton Urges World Conference..."

Memo on meeting with INCH at Norges, November 21 to 23, 1971

Memo from Mr. Frank E. Masland, Jr., on Second World Conference

Geographical Distribution of Participants at the Technical Sessions

Stationery and Letter Draft in Spanish

Programs - Second World Conference on National Parks - English, French and Spanish

Report - Role of Office of Environmental Interpretation in Second World Conference...Raymond D. Gunbrecht

Memo of Alternative Plans on Concepts, Size and Scene of Second World Conference, August 24, 1971

Preliminary Report on the Second World Conference on National Parks, September 18 to 27, 1973

Second World Conference Rapporteur Report

Recommendations Adopted at Final Conference Session, September 27, 19/2

Revised Draft Recommendations - Issue 2, September 26, 1972, September 27, 19/2

Series II - Conference Papers

Second World Conference Papers (box 2)

II (1) "A Century in the Growth of the `National Park’ Concept Throughout the World", Jean-Paul Harroy

II (2) "What is Wrong With the National Parks Movement?", E. M. Nicholson

II (3) "How Well has the United States Managed Its National Park System? The Application of Ecological Principals to Park Management", N. P. Reed

III (1) "Park Values, Changes and Problems in Developing Countries", Perez M. 0lindo

II (2) "Protected Areas in the World's Industrially Advanced Regions: Importance, Progress and Problems", V. V. Krinitski

III (3) "Present Trends in Worldwide Development of National Parks", Italo N. Costantino

IV (1) "Projecting the Future in the Worldwide National Parks Movement", Kai Curry-Lindahl

IV (2) "The Role of National Parks in Social and Economic Development Processes", Michio Oi

IV (3) "Population and Economic Pressures on National Parks", J. L. Fisher

V (1) "Park Visitation in the Coming Decades: Problems and Opportunities", Marion Clawson

V (3) "Transportation Within and Outside Parks as a Major Factor in Resource Use and Protection", Robert F. Schloeth

VI (1) "Management Considerations for Optimum Development and Protection of National Park Resources", George. B. Hartzog, Jr.

VI (2) "The Master Plan for National Parks and Their Regional Setting", Sylvia Crowe

VII (1) "National Parks in Wet Tropical Areas", P. W. Richards

VII (la) "Costa Rica: A Case Study of Strategy in the Setting Up of National Parks in a Developing Country", Mario Andres Boza

VII (2) "National Parks in Arid Regions", M. Kassas

VII (2a) "The Gir Forest Reserve: Its Habitats, Faunal and Social Problems", J. R. Desai

VII (3a) "Management of Mountain Habitat on a Densely Populated Tropical Island", Frank H. Wadsworth

VIII (1) "On the Management of Flora and Fauna in National Parks", H. F. Lamprey

IX (1) "An Ecosystem Approach to Marine Parks and Reserves", G. Carleton Ray

IX (2) "Parks and Reserves on Islands", Jean Dorst

IX (3) "Parks and Reserves in Polar and Sub-Polar Regions", W. H. Fuller

X (1) "Upgrading Park Interpretation and Communication with the Public", Don Aldridge

X (2) "Creative Park Use for Science, Education and Public Betterment", D. J. Kuenen

XI (1) "Development and Training of Personnel - The Foundation of National Park Programmes in the Future", Kenton R. Miller

XII (1) "Widening Horizon: The Role of Parks and Reserves in Education", Vernon C. Gilbert, Jr.

XIII (1) "An Idea Whose Time Has Come World Heritage Trust: A World Need and a World Opportunity", Russell E. Train

XIII (2) "International Parks and Co-operation for More Effective Management", John 1. Nicol

XIII (3) "Development of a System for Classification of Protected Natural and Cultural Areas", R. F. Dasmann

XIV "Help for National Parks", IUCN

Also copies of these papers in Spanish on green paper and in French on yellow paper.

Series III - Heine Files

II-3 - Second World Conference - Heine Files (Archives Box)

Blue note folder - Brochures and Applications

Report - Security Plan of Operation for the Second World Conference

Performance Standards - When Assigned to Second World Conference

Magazine Clippings

Conference Papers

Itinerary - Second World Conference

Assignment Sheet - Workers

Grand Teton Hotel Function Sheet

Housing and Accommodations - Yellowstone and Grand Teton

Draft Recommendations

Master Park Service Working Staffs

Media Registration Lists

Series IV - Tours

Record Box II-A - Second World Conference

One notebook - Tour Book

Series V - Registrations

Five unlabeled Notebooks - Registration

One Notebook - Reservation Log

One Notebook - Gold Copy Reservation Forms - U. S. Delegates

One Notebook - Yellowstone List

Series VI - Invitees

Record Box II-B

Oversize Note Folder

Alphabetized Cards - Second World Conference Participants

Additional Invitations

U. S. Panel Invitees

1. U. S. Executive Branch

2. U. S. Legislative Branch

3. U. S. Boards and Commissions

4. U. S. State, County and City Government

5. U. S. Citizen Organizations

6. U. S. Foundations

7. U. S. Universities

8. U. S. Professional Associations and Societies

9. U. S. Special Honored Guests

10. U. S. Citizens at Large

11. U. S. Special Youth and Indian Representatives

12. U. S. Trade Unions and Associations

Additional suggested guests

Series VII - Staff

First Letter to Staff

Second Letter to Staff

Yellowstone Housing List

Group III

Series I - Periodical Articles

I I I-1 - World National Parks Congress - Bali

Folder - Periodical Articles

Series II - Papers

Keynote Address – "National Parks to Meet Modern Needs of Society", Professor Soedarsono Haclisapoetro

IB. Invited Paper – "Environmental Requirements of the World Bank Including Wildland Conservation", R. Goudland

IIA. "The CNPPA System for Monitoring the Protected Areas of the World", Kenton Miller

IIA. "The World Coverage of Protected Areas Description of Protected Areas Data Unit", Jeremy Harrison, Kenton Miller, Jeffrey McNeely

IIB. Invited Paper – "Major Issues of the Future, How Protected Areas Can Help Meet Society's Evolving Needs", P. H. C. Lucas

IIB. Invited Paper – "The Relationship Between Adjacent Lands and Protected Areas: Issues of Concern for the Protected Area Manager", Keith Garratt

IIB. Invited Paper – "Ecological Process and National Park Management", J. D. Ovington

IIC. Keynote Address – "The Afrotropical Realm", Edward S. Ayensu

IIC. Case Study – "Training Area Personnel: Lessons from the College of African Wildlife Management", G. T. Masha and J. Withersell

IIC. Case Study – "Managing Wildlife for People in Zimbabwe", Graham Child

IIC. Case Study – "Ambosdi National Park: Enlisting Migratory Herdsmen for Wildlife Conservation", David Western

IID. "Future Directions for the Afrotropical Realm", Walter J. Lusigi

IID. Case Study – "The Role of Protected Areas in Saving the Sahel", John Newby

"Nature's Havens of Hope National Parks of the Indomalayan Realm", M. K. Rajnitsinh

IIIA. Case Study – "River Basin Development and Protected Areas in Sri Lanka", Lynde Alwis

IIIB. "Future Directions for the Indomalayan Realm", Kasern Snidvangs

IIIB. Case Study – "Human Dimensions in Wildlife Management: The Indian Experience", V. B. Saharia

IIIB. Case Study – "What to do When You've Succeeded: Project Tiger Ten Years Later", H. S. Panwar

IIIB. Case Study – "Protected Areas and Turtle Eggs in Subah, East Malaysia", G. S. DeSilva

IIIB. Case Study – "Aquaculture, Forestry and Conservation of Malaysian Mangroves", Ong Jin-Eong

IIIB. Case Study – "A Delicate Balance: Tigers, Rhinoceros, Tourists and Park Management vs the Need of the Local People in Royal Chitwan National Park", Hermanta R. Mishra

IIIB. Case Study – "Indonesia’s Experience in Training Protected Areas Personnel", H. M. Duryot and L. P. van Lavieren

IIIB. Case Study – "How to Protect Coastal and Marine Ecosystems: Lessons from the Philippines", Amado S. Tolentino, Jr.

IIIB. Case Study – "Vulnerable Marine Resources, Coastal Reserves and Pollution a Southeast Asian Perspective", Alan White

IIIC. Keynote Address – "Conservation Practices and Protected Areas Systems in the Oeanian Realm", Birandra Singh

IIIC. Case Study – "Traditional Conservation Methods and Protected Marine Areas in Oceania", R. E. Johannes

IIIC. Case Study – "Indigenous Island Peoples, Living Resources and Protected Areas", Bernard Nietschmann

IIID. "Future Directions for the Australian Realm"

IIID. Case Study – "Protected Areas and Environmental Planning in Australia: The Continuing Evolution of a Diverse Range of Protected Areas", John Geoffrey Mosley

IIID. Case Study – "Fire and Pest Species: A Case Study of Kosciusko National Park"

IIID. Case Study – "Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: Making Development Compatible with Conservation", Graeme Kelleher, Richard Kenchington

IIID. Case Study – "Increasing Pressures for Resources Development in an Area of High Nature Conservation Values Southwest Tasmania", P. K. Bosworth

IVA. Keynote Address – "The Antarctic Realm", Hon. Jonathan Elworthy

IVA. Case Study – "Finding Ways and Means to Conserve Antarctica", P. H. C. Lucas

IVA. Case Study – "The Campbell Island Story: The Management Challenge of Sub-Antarctic Islands", N. D. R. McKerchar and W. T. Devine

IVD. Case Study – "The Reservation of Commercially Important Lowland Forest in New Zealand", L. F. Molloy

IVA. Case Study – "Protected Areas and Introduced Species in New Zealand", Carolyn W. Burns

IVA. Case Study – "Moving Towards a Representative System of Protected Areas in New Zealand", P. R. Dingwall.

Report by Dr. Soedjarwo, Director General of Forestry, Indonesia

IVB. "Management and Conservation of Marine Turtles in Indonesia",

Njoman Smertha WitJa and Satamo Akmad

IVB. Invited Paper – "Indonesia's Network of Protected Areas", Effendy A. Sumardjo, Hardsono, and John Mackinnon

IVB. Invited Paper – "Development of Marine Conservation in Indonesia", Aprilani Soegiarto, Soewito, and Rodney Y. Salm

IVB. Invited Paper – "National Parks and Land Use Policy", I Made Sandy, I Made Tantra, and Kuswarta Kurtawinata

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "The Bali Mynah: Restoration After Decline in Numbers, a Literature Preview and a Summary of Data on Its Population Size", Hansde Iangh

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "Marine Conservation in Indonesia, Problems and Possible Solutions", Knut Valvagnaes, Alan Robinson, and Matheus Halim

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "Proposed Palau Seribu Marine NP: Combining Conservation and Tourism Development", Dr. Rodney Y. Salm, Dr. Matheus Halim, and Dr. Achmad Abdullah

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "The Effect of Rural Inhabitants on Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve at West Java, Indonesia", Riss Rosanto, and Rachmat Priatna

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "Mangrove Conservation and Management in Indonesia", Achmad Abdullah

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "Some Problems in Managing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia", Hermien Hadiati Joeswadji

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "Managing Protected Areas in Indonesia", K. S. Depari

IVB. Voluntary Paper – "The Influence of Development Processes upon the Coastal Condition of Ambon Bay", Djuhari

VIA. Keynote Address for the Palaearctic Realm, Francois Ramade

VIA. Case Study – "Threshold Approach to the Definition of Environmental Capacity", Jerzy M. Koziowski

VIA. Case Study – "A Regional Approach to Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: The Mediterrean Sea", Hedia Baccar

VIA. Case Study – "National Park Development and Its Economics: Experience from Yugoslavia", Josip Movcan

VIA. Case Study – "Limited Choices: Protected Areas in the United Kingdom", John Foster, Adrian Phillips, and Richard Steele

VI. Invited Paper – "Conservation and Indigenous Peoples A Study of Convergent Interests", James C. Clad

VIB. Case Study – "Adjustment between Nature and Human Activity in National Parks in Japan", Nature Conservation Bureau Environmental Agency, Tokyo

VIC. Keynote Address – "Parks and Preserves in the Neararctic Realm", Russell Dickinson

VIC. Case Study – "Redwood National Park: A Case Study in Preserving a Vanishing Resource", Edgar Wayburn, and Bruce Howard

VID. "Future Directions for the Neoarctic Realm", Harold K. Eidsuik

VID. Case Study – "Attempts to Modify Significant Deterioration of a Park's Natural Resources: A Case Study of Everglades National Park, U. S. A.", John M. Morehead

VID. Case Study – "The Politics of Parks in Alaska: Innovative Planning and Management Approach for New Protected Areas", Theodore R. Swem, and Robert Cahn

IVB. Case Study – "Living with Exploitation in the Subarctic and Arctic of Canada", J. G. Nelson

IVB. Case Study –"The Lone Prairie: Protecting Natural Grasslands in Canada", Claude Mandor, and Steve Kun

VIIIA. Case Study – "The Eastern Caribbean Natural Area Management Programme: A Regional Approach to Research and Deveopment for Conservation Action", Allen D. Putney, Ivor Jackson, and Yves Renard

VIIA. Case Study – "Genetic Diversity, Endemism, and Protected Areas: A Case Study of the Endangered Primates of Brazil's Atlantic Forest Region", Admiral Ibsede Casmao Camara and Russell A. Mittermeier

VIIA. Voluntary Paper – "National Parks From the Ground Up: Experience from Dominica, West Indies", James W. Thorsell

VIIB. Case Study – "Islands for People and Evolutions: The Galapagos", Jose L. Yilla, and Arturo Ponce

VIIC. Invited Paper – "The Relationship Between Protected Areas and Indigenous Peoples", Raymond F. Dasmann

VIIC. Invited Paper – "Protecting Wild Genetic Resources for the Future: The Need for a World Treaty", Cyrille de Klemm

VIIC. Invited Paper – "Eternal Values of the Parks Movement and the Monday Morning World", Norman Myers

VIID. "Sharing and self-interest in Protected Areas Conservation", David Munro

VIID. "Toward the Bali Declaration" Information Note by the CNPPA Secretariat

IXD. Invited Paper – "What the World Heritage Convention Has Meant to Ethiopia", Teshorme Ashine

XIA. Invited Paper – "Development and Conservation: Co-Existence Through Rational Planning", J. LeRoy Balzer

XIB. Invited Paper – "Council of Europe Word on Protected Areas", Division of Environment and Natural Resources Council of Europe

XIC. "The Biosphere Reserve and Its Relation to Their Protected Areas", IUCN, CNPA

XIC/D. "Biosphere Reserves in Concept and Practice", Kenton R. Miller

XID. Invited Paper, "The List of World Heritage in Danger: Criteria for Selection of Natural Properties", David Navid

"Role of Training in Effective Management: An Example of the Parks Management Course at the College of African Wildlife Management, Tanzania", James W. Thorsell

Invited Paper – "The Role of Training in Promoting Effective Management: New Zealand Lands and Survey Department, International Training Unit", Bruce E. Jefferies

Invited Paper – "Establishing Training Priorities", Tom D. Thomas

"School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists at Garoua, Cameroon", Andrew Allo

Voluntary Paper – "Cross-cultural Transfer of Parks Technology", John W. Bright

Invited Paper – "The Role of Protected Areas in Conserving Marine Genetic Resources", Nicholas Polunin

Invited Paper – "Protecting Island Habitats", Nigel Wace

Invited Paper – "Conservation of Coastal and Marine Genetic Resources: Cetacean Sanctuaries", Maxine McCloskey

Invited Paper – "Managing Coral Reef Protected Areas", R. A. Kenchington

Invited Paper – "Marine Protected Areas in International Law", Cryille de Klemm and David Navid

Invited Paper – "An Overview of Institutional Arrangements for Coastal Conservation in Several Countries", Julia Gardner

Invited Paper – "Protected Areas and Regional Planning: Guidelines for Protected Areas Managers", Keith Garratt

Invited Paper – "The Role of Ichkeal National Park in Conserving Genetic Resources", Hedia Bauer

"Future Directions for Conservation in the Oceanian Realm", Arthur Lyon Dahl

Invited Paper – "Traditional Marine Practices in Indonesia and Their Bearing on Conservation", Nicholas V. C. Polunin

"Protected Areas in the Open Seas" Martin Angel

"The Seas Must Live: Why Coastal and Marine Protected Areas Are Needed", Sidney Hold, ed. Mats Segnestan

"Selection and Management of Coastal and Estuarine Protected Areas", W. J. Wolff

"Protected Areas in Polar Regions", E. C. Young

Submitted Paper – "Kenya's Experience in Establishing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas", Fred Pertet

Voluntary Paper – "Antarctica and the Southern Ocean", James N. Barnes

Background Paper – "Categories, Objectives and Criteria for Protected Areas", INCH, CNPPA

Invited Paper – "Guidelines for the Development of Conservation Buffer Zones and Enclaves in Indonesia", John MacKinnon

Invited Paper – "Law and Protected Areas: The manager's Role", Barbara J. Lausche

Invited Paper – "Socio-Economic Factors in Managing Protected Areas in Tanzania", Albert L. D. Mongi

Invited Paper – "Native Cultures and Protected Areas: Management Options", Dr. Leslie A. Brownrigg

Invited Paper – "Terrestrial Protected Areas in International Law", Cyrille de Klemm and David Navid

Invited Paper – "The Role of Protected Areas in Situ Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources", I. L. Mason

Invited Paper – "Economic Concepts and Methods for Valuing Protected Natural Areas", Michael Moore

Voluntary Paper – "How Conservation of Endangered Plants and Animals Contributes to Human Welfare", G. A. Oza

Invited Paper – "In Situ Conservation of Genetic Resources: Determinants of Minimum Area Requirements", Bruce Wilcox

"Traditional Land Use and Nature Conservation in Madagascar", Joseph Andriamampianina

"Methods and Criteria for Selecting and Evaluating Reserves for Conservation in Indonesia", John MacKinnon

"Biological Principles Relevant to Protected Area Design in the New Guinea Region", Jared M. Diamond

"The Legal and Administrative Basis for Management: Organizational Design", Bruce Davis

"A Systematic Approach to Effective Management of Protected Areas", William O. Deshler

"The Relationship Between Protected Coastal Areas and Marine Fisheries Genetic Resources", William E. Odum

"Park and Reserve Management", James T. Thorsell

Voluntary Paper – "Community Participation in Protected Areas Management in New South Wales", D. A. Johnstone

Voluntary Paper – "Managing Protected Areas in a Federal System of Government", Phillip Lee

Voluntary Paper – "Categories for Protected Areas in Australia: The Present Position", G. J. Armstrong

Voluntary Paper – "National Parks for Developing Countries", John Blower

"Future Directions for Conservation in the Oceanian Realm", Arthur Lyon Dahl

Report – "Selection Criteria for Protected Nature Territories in the USSR", I. A. Gavva, Yu P. Yuzan

"The Protection and Management of Chinese Giant Pandas"

"The Dinosaur World Heritage Site: Responsible Management in Canada", Donn Cline, Ken Erdman, William Pierce

"The World Heritage Convention - Status and Direction"

"Results of Recommendations from the Second World Conference on National Parks" Information Note, CNPPA Secretariat

Group IV

Series I - Green Material

First World Culture Conference (Half Box)

White Note Folder

Small Trilingual Program Book Participant List and Corrections Welcoming Letters Historical Information Sheets - Fewkes Cabin, Mesa Verde Historical Administrative District, Mesa Verde Museum Association Bookstore Transportation Schedule Cultural Workshops Description Opening Reception Menu

Program Corrections .

Letter for Support Staff

World Cultural Conference Dinner Information Sheet

Memo - Temporary Assignment to Mesa Verde for World Conference

Oral History Blurb

News release - 9/7/84, Clark Lauds World Conference on Cultural Parks

Map of Mesa Verde

Proclamation of Thanks

Paper: "Preservation Project - The Grave Yard of General Wang Der-lu, Taiwan"

Paper: "Cliff Dwellings and the Park Service: Archeological Tourism in the Southwest, USA"

Paper: "The Position and Preservation of Historic and Cultural Resources in China's Historic and Scenic Spots"

Lodging Information List

Resolutions in English

Resolutions in French

Resolutions in Spanish

Paper: "Resource Monitoring Prototype: Aerometric and Materials Investigation of Deterioration of Anasai Ruins in the Four Corners Regions, USA"

Large Trilingual Book - Resumes of papers to be presented

Series II - Sagan Material

Information packet sent to Marc Sagan includes following:

Covering Letter

Registration Form

Folder for View Lodge, Mesa Verde

Folder - General Information Sheet

Weather Statistics

Cortez, Colorado Lodging Guide

Four Corners Area Circle Trips and Brochure

Durango Welcome Letter and Brochure

Preliminary Program

Lodging and Transportation Cards

Travel Information

Four Corners Explorer magazine

Lodging Guide for Cortez, Colorado Mesa Verde folder Mesa Verde National Park Weather Statistics travel and Accommodation Sheet and Cards Preliminary Program Conference Packet

Group IV

Series III - Papers

"Indigenous Cultures and Protected Areas in Central America"

"A Journey Through the National Parks of the Republic of China, Taiwan"

"The Yami of Ordnid Island: Past Problems and Future Hopes of Government Policy, Taiwan"

F. Audio Collection Second World Conference - English

Session                                  Date

                                            9/19/72         1-2

                                            9/19/72         1-2

                                            9/19/72         1-3

Madison Amphitheater

Mrs. Nixon                           9/19/72         2-1

                                            9/20/72         1-5

                                            9/20/72         1-6

               1-2                                       9/22/72          3-3

               1-2                                       9/22/72          3-3

                2-3                                      9/22/72          2-3

2-3                                      9/22i72           3-4

3                                          9/22/72          3-6

3                                          9/22/72          3-8

4                                          9/23/72          4-3

4                                          9/23/72          4-5

4                                          9/23/72          4-7

5                                          9/23/72          3-10

5                                          9/23/72          3-12

5                                          9/23/72          3-14

6                                          9/23/72          3-16

6                                          9/23/72           3-18

6                                          9/23/72           3-20

7                                          9/23/72           4-7

7                                          9/23/72           4-9

7                                          9/23/72           4-11

8                                          9/24/72           3-22

8                                          9/24/72           3-24

8                                          9/24/72           3-26

9                                          9/24/72           4-13

9                                          9/24/72           4-15

9                                          9/24/72           4-17

10                                        9/25/72           4-20

10                                        9/25/72           4-22

10                                        9/25/72           4-25

11                                        9/25/72           3-26

11                                        9/25/72           3-28

11-12                                  9/25/72           3-30

12                                       9/25/72           3-32

13-14                                  9/26/72           3-34

14                                       9/26/72           3-36

15                                       9/26/72           3-38

16                                       9/26/72           3-40

16                                       9/26/72           3-42

17                                       9/27/72           3-44

17                                       9/27/72           3-46

August 20, 1986
Reformatted 1/26/1999