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State Programs

Program Descriptions

Image of New Mexico

New Mexico

New Mexico Arthritis and Osteoporosis Prevention and Control Program

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State Burden

New Mexico has a population of 1.8 million people. Of the 33 counties, 14 are frontier counties (population less than 6 people/square mile); 17 are rural counties (population from 6 to 65 people/square mile and 3 of these border Mexico); and 2 are urban counties. The state population is 46.5% white non-Hispanic, 42% Hispanic, 9.5% American Indian, and 2% African American.

According to the 2003 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 341,000, or 25% New Mexican adults report having doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Approximately, 39.4% of those with doctor-diagnosed arthritis also report activity limitations from arthritis. By race and ethnicity, 30% are White non-Hispanic, 21% are Hispanic, 22% are African American, and 13% are Native American. Prevalence for Hispanics with arthritis is notably higher than the national median of 16%. The prevalence of arthritis is high for among those who are overweight or obese (63%), persons 65 years or older (53%), and women (29%) and Hispanics (21% vs. the national average of 16%).

It is estimated that the indirect and direct cost of arthritis in New Mexico is over $509 million (MMWR May 14, 2004/vol.53/no.18). One Managed Care Organization in New Mexico estimated the care and treatment of members with a primary diagnosis of arthritis over an 18-month period from 2000-2001 was over $32 million. Among those being treated for arthritis, the average cost per person was $1,413. Hospital admissions accounted for more than $11.5 million of the total cost.

The New Mexico Arthritis Advisory Council

The Arthritis Advisory Council includes nearly thirty organizations. The Council directed the development of the Strategic Arthritis Plan and currently meets once a year and convenes ad hoc workgroups to support program implementation. A community partnership is developed each year to guide implementation of a health communications campaign and a physical activity intervention in a specific region of the state.

Key Partners

  • The Greater Southwest Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation
  • University of New Mexico Geriatric Education Center
  • Office of Health and Disability, New Mexico Department of Health
  • City of Roswell Recreation Department
  • Senior Olympics, Department of Aging and Long Term Care Services
  • Faith based organizations: Grace Community Church, and Church on the Move, Roswell NM
  • Roswell Public Health Office, New Mexico Department of Health
  • Roswell Hispano Chamber of Commerce
  • Eastern New Mexico University – Rowell
  • Tobosa Developmental Services, Roswell

Intervention and Partnership Highlights

  • In 2005, the Department of Health (DOH) worked with the Arthritis Foundation Greater Southwest Chapter to establish a baseline reach numbers for DOH funded Arthritis Self-Help Program and the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program. Twenty-two sites offered 19 programs with a total of 355 participants in these two programs. The partnership between the Chapter and DOH now has five active trainers and 33 active leaders in the state available for the Arthritis Foundation Self-Help, Exercise and Aquatic Programs.
  • A partnership with the UNM Geriatric Education Center and Zuni Pueblo trained 12 Arthritis Foundation Exercise and Aquatic Program leaders for a new pool and Wellness Center in Zuni Pueblo.
  • Senior Olympics, the Chapter, and DOH partnered to train 37 leaders and resulted in Arthritis Foundation Exercise Programs in five new communities across the state (Clovis, Bernalillo, Santa Rosa, Tucumcari and Los Alamos).
  • In 2005, seven partner organizations in Roswell, New Mexico, collaborated on the health communications campaign Physical Activity: the Arthritis Pain Reliever. Four stations aired 400 radio ads and two talk radio interviews featuring local partners who spoke on the importance of physical activity for people with arthritis. More than 13 print ads were run weekly during the campaign, several feature articles were published in the local paper and three events drew a total of over 500 people. These organizations recruited 43 coaches, 40 teams, and enrolled 526 team members in a ten-week physical activity intervention the Local Motion that ran concurrently with the media campaign to provide an opportunity for individuals to learn start and maintain an exercise program.
  • Evaluation at the end of the 10-week program indicated that 420 individuals or 79.8% reached their self determined exercise goal; 11 of 40 teams achieved 100% goal attainment; and 26 of 40 teams achieved 75% or greater goal attainment. Stage of Change data for 396 team members who completed pre- and post-surveys indicated that
    • 55 individuals that started in contemplation moved to preparation
    • 61 moved from preparation to sub-action
    • 37 moved from sub-action to action
    • 6 moved from action to maintenance
  • As a result of the campaign, DOH was able identify and train a new Arthritis Foundation trainer/leader who has trained three new leaders and is implementing six Arthritis Foundation programs in the community.

Program Documents

Contact Information

Lauri Wilson
Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Healthier Weight Program
New Mexico Department of Health
5301 Central Ave. NE, Suite 800
Albuquerque, NM 87108Telephone: (505) 222-8605
Fax: (505) 841-5865

Erin Hartlein
Physical Activity Coordinator
Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Healthier Weight Program
New Mexico Department of Health
5301 Central Ave. NE, Suite 800
Albuquerque, NM 87108Telephone: (505) 841-5861
Fax: (505) 841-5865

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Page last reviewed: June 15, 2007
Page last modified: August 4, 2006
Content Source: Division of Adult and Community Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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