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Summer Law Institute in Suzhou China

Cornell Law School

In partnership with:

  • Kenneth Wang School of Law, Soochow University; Suzhou, China
  • Bucerius Law School; Hamburg, Germany

In cooperation with:

  • University of the Pacific/McGeorge School of Law
  • University of California/Hastings College of the Law
  • Tsinghua University School of Law
  • University of Milan
  • University of Frieburg, Switzerland
  • Summer Law Institute in Suzhou, China

July 19-August 7, 2009
The program offers a three-credit course entitled "Workshop in International Business Transactions with Chinese Characteristics." Taught in English, the course will feature interactive sessions and negotiations among students from China, Europe, and the United States. Classes are led by instructors from Cornell Law School, Kenneth Wang School of Law, and Bucerius Law School.

The student body will be composed of approximately 50 law students from across China, and 50 students from Europe and the United States. In 2008, 22 Cornell students joined 19 students from other U.S. law schools, 20 European students and 54 Chinese students at the Summer Law Institute. Chinese language ability is not required. Since 2004, approximately 300 law students have participated in the program. The students represented a variety of law schools world wide. These schools included Cornell Law School, Kenneth Wang School of Law, Bucerius Law School, Pacific/McGeorge School of Law, University of California – Hastings Law School, University of Texas, Fordham Law School, Tsinghua University Law School, Beijing University Law School, Chinese University of Politics and Law, University of Wisconsin Law School, St.John’s University Law School, Stanford Law School, Nanjing University Law School, University of Salzburg Law School, East China University of Politics and Law, and many others.

The faculty for the Summer Law Institute also represent a broad cross section of schools. They have included professors from Cornell Law School, University of California – Berkeley, Bucerius Law School, University of California – Hastings, Pacific/McGeorge School of Law, Harvard Law School, Tsinghua University, the University of Milan, the University of Frieburg and the Kenneth Wang School of Law.

Suzhou, China, a city of more than five million inhabitants, is the historic silk city of China and lies about one hour's drive northwest of Shanghai. European explorer Marco Polo called Suzhou the "Venice of China." The Chinese call it "Paradise on Earth."

For information:
Suzhou Summer Law Institute
Cornell Law School
Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4901 USA

Instruction is in English.
Cornell Law School is now accepting applications (from U.S. J.D. Students only) for the Summer Law Institute in Suzhou, China through our online application system.

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