NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
February 20, 2007 • Volume 4 / Number 8 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Link Between 1p36 Deletions and Cancer Revealed

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Mapping the Cancer Genome

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Disparities Found in Colonoscopy Use by Those on Medicare

Switching Hormone Therapies Reduces Mortality from Breast Cancer

Lung Cancer Incidence Rates High Among Women Who Have Never Smoked

Gene Involved in Brain Development Has Role in Tumors

Legislative Update
NIH Continuing Resolution Approved

A New Tobacco Threat?

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Neoadjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer Using Aromatase Inhibitors

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NCI 70th Anniversary: If Memory Serves...

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M.D. Anderson Awarded CEO Cancer Gold Standard Accreditation

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Legislative UpdateLegislative Update

NIH Continuing Resolution Approved

On February 14, the FY2007 Continuing Appropriations Resolution was passed by the Senate; it was signed into law by President Bush on February 15. NIH received a total appropriation of $28.9 billion, an increase of $619.5 million (2 percent) more than the FY2006 appropriation. A large portion of this increase - $483 million - goes toward funding the NIH common fund.

Although NCI will continue to be funded at the FY2006 level of $4.79 billion, NCI and other institutes will not be required to contribute to the common fund this year, which could translate into approximately $42.8 million for NCI.

For a more in-depth look at the NCI budget process and how it affects the National Cancer Program, please see the recent article by NCI Director Dr. John E. Niederhuber, "A Look Inside the National Cancer Institute Budget Process: Implications for 2007 and Beyond."

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