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What's A Gravity Switch?

Gravity Switch helps businesses and organizations communicate, sell, and operate more effectively with intelligent, high-end, custom WEB and CD-ROM solutions.

Here are some ways we can help you:

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Featured Projects 

More Eyeballs = More Revenue!
Aqua Arts Fountain See how search engine optimization helped this indoor fountain retailer increase site traffic over 100%; generating 75% of all revenue from the web. 

Solutions for Higher Ed.
Southern CT Find out how Gravity Switch is helping higher education institutions better serve their constituencies.

Put Money Back in Your Own Pocket!
Heat-fab CD-ROMSee what we're doing to help clients save money and direct more dollars to their bottom line.    

Get More Done. Take Less Time.
Kollmorgen CITIS Tool Learn about time-saving web applications Gravity Switch developed to streamline communications. 

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News & Press

Gravity Switch welcomes William Tuman
William Tuman, senior project manager, came to Gravity Switch in November. Before joining our team, Tuman was an independent consultant, producing many sites for creative individuals and organizations since 1998.

Writing for the Web
As part of my job, I write for clients. I have an English degree and plenty of experience stringing together words. However, coming from a "traditional" writing background, it has been fascinating to see the differences I need to be aware of when writing for the web.

In the Spirit of the Holidays
Some things are inevitable. The leaves changing, the earth turning, and the holiday decorations going up the day after Halloween. Some things are driven by choice. This year it seems we got into that better part of the celebration early...

Exercising Your SEO
Everyone wants to be thin, rich, and have their website come up on the first page of Google - overnight and with minimal effort...

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