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e-CFR Data is current as of November 3, 2008

TITLE 26--Internal Revenue




Table of Contents
Rules applicable with respect to distributions of money and other property.
Redemptions not taxable as dividends.
Substantially disproportionate redemption.
Termination of shareholder's interest.
Application of other sections.
Acquisition by related corporation (other than subsidiary).
Acquisition by a subsidiary.
Special rule for use of a related corporation to acquire for property the stock of another commonly owned corporation (temporary).
Stock dividends.
Distributions in lieu of money.
Disproportionate distributions.
Distributions of common and preferred stock.
Distributions on preferred stock.
Distributions of convertible preferred.
Certain transactions treated as distributions.
Effective dates.
Section 306 stock defined.
Adjustment to earnings and profits reflecting distributions by corporations.
Distribution of inventory assets.
Examples of adjustments provided in section 312(c).
Special rule for partial liquidations and certain redemptions.
Earnings and profits.
Effect on earnings and profits of gain or loss realized after February 28, 1913.
Effect on earnings and profits of receipt of tax-free distributions requiring adjustment or allocation of basis of stock.
Adjustments to earnings and profits reflecting increase in value accrued before March 1, 1913.
Allocation of earnings in certain corporate separations.
Effect on earnings and profits of certain other tax-free exchanges, tax-free distributions, and tax-free transfers from one corporation to another.
Distributions of proceeds of loans guaranteed by the United States.
Effect of depreciation on earnings and profits.
Sources of distribution in general.
Property defined.
Constructive ownership of stock; introduction.
Application of general rules.
Estates, trusts, and options.
Constructive ownership as actual ownership; exceptions.
Corporate liquidations.
Distributions in liquidation of subsidiary corporation; general.
Requirements for nonrecognition of gain or loss.
Liquidations completed within one taxable year.
Liquidations covering more than one taxable year.
Distributions in liquidation as affecting minority interests.
Records to be kept and information to be filed with return.
Indebtedness of subsidiary to parent.
Basis of property received in liquidations.
Transitional loss limitation rule.
Loss limitation rules.
Taxable to tax-exempt.
Old transitional rules imposing tax on property owned by a C corporation that becomes property of a RIC or REIT
New transitional rules imposing tax on property owned by a C corporation that becomes property of a RIC or REIT.
Tax on property owned by a C corporation that becomes property of a RIC or REIT.
Outline of topics.
General principles; status of old target and new target.
Nomenclature and definitions; mechanics of the section 338 election.
Qualification for the section 338 election.
Aggregate deemed sale price; various aspects of taxation of the deemed asset sale.
Adjusted grossed-up basis.
Allocation of ADSP and AGUB among target assets.
Allocation of redetermined ADSP and AGUB among target assets.
Asset and stock consistency.
International aspects of section 338.
Filing of returns.
Effect of section 338 election on insurance company targets.
Deemed asset sale and liquidation.
Effective/applicability date.
Collapsible corporations; in general.
Limitations on application of section.
Application of section.
Exceptions to application of section.
Certain sales of stock of consenting corporations.
Partial liquidation.
Treatment of certain redemptions.
Effect of certain sales.
Transfer to corporation controlled by transferor.
Receipt of property.
Records to be kept and information to be filed.
Exchanges of stock and securities in certain reorganizations.
Outline of sections.
Distribution of stock and securities of a controlled corporation.
Active conduct of a trade or business.
Non pro rata distributions, etc.
Records to be kept and information to be filed.
Recognition of gain on certain distributions of stock or securities in controlled corporation.
Recognition of gain on certain distributions of stock or securities in connection with an acquisition.
Receipt of additional consideration in connection with an exchange.
Receipt of additional consideration not in connection with an exchange.
Rules for treatment of securities as ''other property''.
Exchanges for section 306 stock.
Transactions involving gift or compensation.
Rules for treatment of nonqualified preferred stock as other property.
Rules for treatment of nonqualified preferred stock and other preferred stock received in certain transactions.
Assumption of liability.
Liabilities in excess of basis.
Basis to distributees.
Allocation of basis among nonrecognition property.
Treatment of assumption of liabilities.
Special rules for assumption of liabilities.
Stock basis in certain triangular reorganizations.
Transfers by partners and partnerships to corporations.
Nonrecognition of gain or loss to corporations.
Basis to corporations.
Certain contributions to capital.
Limitations on built-in loss duplication.
Transfers to foreign corporations subject to section 367(a): In general (temporary).
Exception for transfers of property for use in the active conduct of a trade or business (temporary).
Treatment of transfers of stock or securities to foreign corporations.
Treatment of transfers of stock or securities to foreign corporations (temporary).
Special rules applicable to specified transfers of property (temporary).
Property subject to section 367(a)(1) regardless of use in trade or business (temporary).
Transfer of foreign branch with previously deducted losses (temporary).
Gain recognition agreement requirements.
Gain recognition agreement requirements (temporary).
Table of contents.
Other transfers.
Definitions and special rules.
Repatriation of foreign corporate assets in certain nonrecognition transactions.
Repatriation of foreign corporate assets in certain nonrecognition transactions (temporary).
Acquisition of foreign corporate stock or assets by a foreign corporation in certain nonrecognition transactions.
Distributions of stock described in section 355.
Effective dates and coordination rules.
Carryover of earnings and profits and foreign income taxes in certain foreign-to-foreign nonrecognition transactions.
Allocation of earnings and profits and foreign income taxes in certain foreign corporate separations.--[Reserved]
Special rule for F reorganizations and similar transactions.
Subsequent treatment of amounts attributed or included in income.
Special rules for determining basis and holding period.
Acquisition of parent stock for property in triangular reorganizations (temporary).
Transfers of intangible property to foreign corporations (temporary).
Outline of 1.367(e)-1 and 1.367(e)-2.
Distributions described in section 367(e)(1).
Distributions described in section 367(e)(2).
Purpose and scope of exception of reorganization exchanges.
Purpose and scope of exception of reorganization exchanges (temporary).
Definition of terms.
Definition of terms (temporary).
Records to be kept and information to be filed with returns.
General rule relating to carryovers in certain corporate acquisitions.
Operating rules applicable to carryovers in certain corporate acquisitions.
Net operating loss carryovers in certain corporate acquisitions.
Net operating loss carryovers; two or more dates of distribution or transfer in the taxable year.
Earnings and profits.
Capital loss carryovers.
Method of accounting.
Depreciation method.
Installment method.
Amortization of bond discount or premium.
Deferred exploration and development expenditures.
Contributions to pension plan, employees' annuity plans, and stock bonus and profit-sharing plans.
Recovery of bad debts, prior taxes, or delinquency amounts.
Involuntary conversions.
Dividend carryover to personal holding company.
Indebtedness of certain personal holding companies.
Obligations of distributor or transferor corporation.
Deficiency dividend of personal holding company.
Depletion on extraction of ores or minerals from the waste or residue of prior mining.
Charitable contribution carryovers in certain acquisitions.
Pre-1954 adjustments resulting from change in method of accounting.
Successor life insurance company.
Investment credit carryovers in certain corporate acquisitions.
Work incentive program credit carryovers in certain corporate acquisitions.
Deficiency dividend of a qualified investment entity.
Credit for employment of certain new employees.
Operations loss carryovers of life insurance companies.
Table of contents.
General rules for ownership change.
Definition of ownership change under section 382, as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (temporary).
Definitions and rules relating to a 5-percent shareholder.
Constructive ownership of stock.
Section 382 limitation.
Allocation of income and loss to periods before and after the change date for purposes of section 382.
Built-in gains and losses.--[Reserved]
Built-in gains and losses (temporary).
Controlled groups.
Special rules under section 382 for corporations under the jurisdiction of a court in a title 11 or similar case.
Special rules for determining time and manner of acquisition of an interest in a loss corporation.
Reporting requirements.
Effective date.
Special limitations on certain capital losses and excess credits.
Limitations on certain capital losses and excess credits in computing alternative minimum tax.--[Reserved]
February 27, 2007< !-- #EndDate -- >
