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Science 11 June 2004:
Vol. 304. no. 5677, pp. 1616 - 1618
DOI: 10.1126/science.304.5677.1616

Soil and Trouble

We present here an interactive version of the map published in Science's 11 June 2004 special issue on soils. The map depicts barriers to productive farming posed by soil and climate conditions, including erosion risk -- as well as focusing on a few "hot spots" experiencing intense soil degradation. (Read more.)

To see the map in more detail and to learn more about the hot spots (including some not included in the print version), click on the region of interest on the map below. (A printable PDF version of the map is also available.)

For additional information on soil issues, check out the collection of Web resources posted with the "State of the Planet" review on soils and food security (Science, 21 Nov. 2003).

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Science. ISSN 0036-8075 (print), 1095-9203 (online)