Bureau of Reclamation Banner
Mid-Pacific Region
Sacramento, Calif.
Media Contact:
Lynnette Wirth
(916) 978-5100

Released On: January 06, 2009

Draft EA and FONSI for Reclamation's Central California Area Office Building Replacement Project Released for Public Review

The Bureau of Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region is proposing the construction of new facilities at its Central California Area Office (CCAO) headquarters in Folsom, California, to help provide a safe, secure, accessible, and efficient  environment for staff and visitors.  A Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) have been prepared and are available for public review and comment. 

The site of the new facilities would be designed to work with existing topography, paved areas, and roads to minimize earthwork, demolition, and construction costs.  Construction is planned to begin in spring 2009 and be completed by summer 2012.  The Proposed Action would be implemented in two phases:

  • Phase 1 - Construction of a new maintenance center in the vacant storage yard area, relocation and transfer of personnel and equipment to the new maintenance center, and removal of some of the existing maintenance buildings.  The maintenance center would consist of two interconnected pre-engineered metal buildings. 
  • Phase 2 - Construction of a new CCAO administration building with adjoining staff and visitor parking, transfer of personnel to the new administrative building, and disposal of some of the existing administrative buildings.  The proposed administration building would consist of two attached two-story rectangular structures.

The Draft EA and FONSI were prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and may be viewed at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_projdetails.cfm?Project_ID=3503.  If you encounter problems accessing the documents on-line, please contact Ms. Lynnette Wirth at 916-978-5102 or lwirth@mp.usbr.gov

The documents are also available for public review at the Folsom Library, 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, CA 95630, 916-355-7373, and at the Granite Bay Library, 6475 Douglas Boulevard, Granite Bay, CA 95746, 916-791-5590.

Written comments on the Draft EA and FONSI should be sent by Friday, February 6, 2009, to Ms. Laura Caballero, Bureau of Reclamation, 7794 Folsom Dam Road, Folsom CA 95630, e-mailed to lcaballero@mp.usbr.gov, or faxed to 916-989-7208.  For a printed copy or CD, please contact Ms. Stacy Porter at 916-576-7489 or PorterSM@cdm.com.  For additional information, please contact Ms. Caballero at 916-989-7172.

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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov.