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Savage Rapids Dam Removal

Contact: Diana Cross, (208) 208-5020

The President's FY 2009 budget request for Savage Rapids Dam Removal is $3 million. This funding will be expended on completion of the pumping plant and associated facilities and the start of dam demolition (construction costs include contractor earnings, construction supervision, and construction administration). The total estimated Federal cost for the project is $36.3 million with the remaining $3 million of the cost funded by a grant from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. The total estimated project cost is $39.3 million.

The pumping plant is scheduled to come on-line in April 2009. Removal of a major portion of the dam (bays 1 through 9 of the 16 bays of the dam  right side of the dam looking downstream) to finish the project and restore natural fish passage and allow boat traffic past the site is scheduled to be completed between April and December 2009.