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WIC FY 2002 Breastfeeding Grants 

On May 20, 2002, FNS announced the names of the applicants who were selected to receive funding in support of the WIC grant project entitled, “Using Loving Support To Build a Breastfeeding Friendly Community.” Nine State Agencies were selected to receive grant awards.

The purpose of the project is to allow State agencies to receive training and technical assistance on how to develop a comprehensive breastfeeding program; and to develop an implementation plan that targets the breastfeeding needs and barriers unique to each of the selected States. Best Start Social Marketing and the State of Mississippi will assist the selected States in developing the implementation plans and will provide hands-on training on practical strategies for building an effective breastfeeding promotion program.

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Johnson at 703-305-2848


Grant Amount

State of Alaska


State of Iowa


State of Texas


State of Kentucky $75,000
State of Maine $75,000
State of Michigan $75,000
State of Missouri $75,000
State of Pennsylvania $75,000
State of Vermont $75,000
State of Wisconsin $75,000

Last modified: 12/04/2008

See Also