Visual Simulation

Visual Simulation Kit

The kit includes the basic elements needed to create photo-realistic visual simulations: CanVis, CanVis training CD, and Visual Simulation Guide.

CanVis: Image Editing For Resource Planning

CanVis: Image Editing For Resource Planning

The CanVis image editing software is an entry-level program that allows resource professionals to create photo-realistic simulations with minimal computer skills. It runs on a Windows based computer and requires a Pentium 166mhz or faster processor with 32 MB of RAM or higher. (CanVis is not currently Vista-compatible.)

The software allows you to edit a scanned photograph or an image from a digital camera. Visual simulations are created by duplicating elements from within the image and by adding elements from other images or from CanVis' object library. Objects can be resized, their color adjusted, and shadows added to create realistic looking simulations. The software contains tutorial videos that show how to use each editing tool.

One of the main benefits of this program is its collection of object libraries that contain images of plants, agricultural features, people, wildlife, and park elements that can be quickly added to the base image. This saves users valuable time by not having to create objects from scratch. Some of the other tools available in CanVis include adding shadows and text, cloning textures, and adding hardscape elements, like pathways and walls.

CanVis Training CD

This CD shows how to use CanVis software to create believable simulations. The training modules run on an internet browser that utilizes pop-up windows and tutorial movies (requires Macromedia's free Flash Player software). The CD contains two modules:

  • Module 1: Basic Image Editing Tools
    There are 21 lessons that show you how to use the image editing tools in CanVis. The lessons are arranged to build on each other, and CanVis is used to complete the exercises. (Note: this module was included in Versions 2.0 and 2.1 of the Visual Simulation Guide).
  • Module 2: Creating A Believable Simulation
    This module uses the skills learned in Module 1 to create an accurate and realistic looking simulation. The lessons in this module focus on how to accurately size and locate objects in an image.

Visual Simulation Guide (Version 2.2)

Visual Simulation Guide

This multimedia reference CD contains information on how to use image editing software to create believable simulations for natural resource planning. The guide utilizes an internet browser and provides guidance on how to plan a simulation project, acquire images, edit an image, and accurately locate and size objects in an image.

Ten natural resource planning projects are provided as working examples. These projects illustrate simulations with different levels of detail, from quick conceptual images to complex and detailed visual simulations. Videos are used extensively to showcase these projects. Users can develop and evaluate their skills by imitating these editing examples. The guide demonstrates the use of ground level, elevated ground level, and oblique aerial viewpoints for simulations.

Table Of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Elements Of An Image
  3. Getting Started
  4. Editing Process
  5. Sizing-Locating Objects
  6. Editing Techniques
  7. Editing Examples
  8. Improving Your Skills

The Visual Simulation Guide was developed as a reference for creating simulations. Even though it has editing examples and valuable "how to" information, it was not designed as a training document. See the CanVis Training CD to learn how to use CanVis to create simulations.


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  • Photo-Realistic Visual Simulation: An Agroforestry Planning Tool
    Agroforestry Note #30, General #5
  • Picture This! Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60:144A-149A.
  • Visualizing buffer alternatives. BufferNotes. April.
  • Visualizing agroforestry alternatives or pixel this! In: Brooks, K.N. and Folliot, P.R. (eds) Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. Proc. 9th N. Am. Agroforest. Conf., Rochester, MN. 12-15 June 2005 [CD-ROM]. Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.