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Engineering Plastics Community

Click to see the Engineering Plastics Community partnered by Netstal USAEngineering Thermoplastics are a subset of plastic materials that are used in applications generally requiring higher performance in the areas of heat resistance, chemical resistance, impact, fire retardancy or mechanical strength. Engineering Thermoplastics are so named as they have properties in one or more areas that exhibit higher performance than commodity materials and are suitable for applications that require engineering to design parts that perform in their intended use.    Continued...



Injection Molding Community

Click to see the Injection Molding Community partnered by Netstal USAInjection molding is one of several plastics forming processes available and is one of the most widely used worldwide with over 50,000 molding machines sold annually. The process involves taking plastic resin in the form of pellets, melting them via heat and pressure, and injecting the molten material into a mold being held closed under high pressure.     Continued...



Plastics Training Community

Click to see the Plastics Training Community partnered by A.Routsis AssociatesAs computers and the Internet continue to play an ever-increasing role within any corporation — it's not surprising to see employee development systems evolving and being utilized at a similar pace. Managers faced with the task of setting up or streamlining an existing training initiative during these lean times are more than aware of the costs associated with. ...    Continued...



Extrusion Community

Click to see the Extrusion Community partnered by Davis-StandardExtrusion is a method of making a thermoplastic polymer into a useful shape, such as a pipe, profile, sheet or film. In essence, a plastics extruder melts or plasticizes a solid polymer and pumps it through a die to form the desired shape. In many cases, the extruder also mixes the polymer with other ingredients, such as color, reinforcing fibers, mineral fillers, or processing aids, to name just a few.    Continued...



Contract Manufacturing Community

Click to see the Contract Manufacturing Community partnered by the Bemis Contract GroupA contract manufacturer ("CM") is a firm that manufactures components or products for another "hiring" firm. Many industries utilize this process, especially the aerospace, defense, computer, semiconductor, energy, medical, food manufacturing, personal care, and automotive fields. Some types of contract manufacturing include CNC machining, complex assembly, aluminum die casting, grinding, broaching, gears, and forging.    Continued...