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CambridgeSoft Desktop Software – Chemical Software

Desktop Software

Chem Software

CambridgeSoft offers a complete line of desktop software for chemists. ChemDraw, the industry standard for chemical structure drawing and analysis, is integrated with the entire desktop product line. In addition to ChemDraw, CambridgeSoft offers desktop applications for 3D molecular modeling and visualization, database search and management, chemical inventory management, as well as support for knowledge management using a desktop electronic lab notebook.




The ChemBioOffice software suite combines ChemBioDraw, ChemBio3D, ChemFinder, BioViz, BioAssay, Inventory and E-Notebook in the world’s premier desktop suite designed for both chemists and biologists.


A chemistry software suite composed of ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder and more.

ChemDraw (Windows/Mac)

An industry leader of chemical drawing programs.


Brings workstation quality molecular modeling and display to your desktop.


A chemically intelligent database manager and search engine. Also includes pre-existing ChemInfo databases.

Struct ⇔ Name

Struct⇔Name contains leading comprehensive methods for converting chemical structures into chemical names and names to structures.


ChemDraw/Excel allows the user to create chemically knowledgeable spreadsheets within the familiar Microsoft Excel environment. You can build and manipulate chemical structures within Excel, compute chemical properties and perform database searches.


ChemNMR can be used to accurately estimate 13C and 1H (proton) chemical shifts. The molecule and the spectrum appear in a new window. The chemical shifts are displayed on the molecule and the spectrum is linked to the structure so that clicking on a peak in the spectrum highlights the related fragment on the molecule.


Inventory desktop applications designed to deliver much of the functionality of our Enterprise level applications to users without a widespread roll out. Using MSDE as the database, users are given the opportunity to organize, store, and search over their inventory from their desktop.


Electronically organizes information that is typically stored in paper notebooks by incorporating MS Excel & Word, ChemDraw reactions, stoichiometry grids and spectral data.


ChemScript is a chemical programming extension the Python scripting language. ChemScript takes many of the CambridgeSoft "chemical intelligence" algorithms, that are available in ChemOffice Ultra and makes them available to users through an object model in an easy to use scripting language. This allows users to create their own set of chemical rules and then apply them to a database.

Web Services

CambridgeSoft Chemical Properties Calculators: IT and software development services that use SOAP/XML