
The 44th President

January 15, 2009, 12:18 pm

Call for Inauguration Photos

InaugurationParticipants arrived in the predawn hours Sunday morning at the U.S. Capitol to rehearse for President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration. (Photo: Stephen Crowley/The New York Times)

NYTimes.com wants to publish your photos related to the inauguration of President-elect Obama, from the preparations through the main event and after-parties. Whether you’re in Washington or taking part in inauguration-related events elsewhere, send an e-mail to pix@nyt.com with your full name and the location where the picture was taken, and attach your photograph(s). We will present an online collage of reader photographs beginning on Sunday, Jan. 18.

Please note: The images must be in the JPEG (*.jpg) format, digitally unaltered, and no larger than 5 MB. By sending in your photograph(s) to The New York Times you agree that we may use your image(s) in all manner and media of The New York Times and NYTimes.com, that you have all necessary rights (including copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights) to make the image available to us for all such uses, and you agree to the rules of our Member Agreement found online at http://www.nytimes.com/ref/membercenter/help/agree.html.


  1. 1. January 16, 2009 4:22 pm Link

    How about a NYT Press Pass?

    — Rowland Scherman
  2. 2. January 16, 2009 10:40 pm Link

    I will not be attending this historical event. I will be taping it on video, and I will not be interrupted. I have waited, too long. I was ten when John F. Kennedy was killed; my parents and I cried. I was fifteen when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed; my parents and I cried. I was fifteen, ill with a fever, my parents in the living room watching Robert F. Kennedy’s speech, I running from the bed to the living room, and then the inevitable. Robert F. Kennedy was killed. My parents and I were so afraid this might happen, however, we had such great hopes and joys. We cried, we were angry, and despair set in. Since then, I decided to, “Keep the Faith,” and went to Berkeley. I became a teacher and worked with the disadvantaged in the Bay Area, even working with ex-prostitutes, some eventually went back on the streets pressured by their pimps. Later I went for my M.A. in Clinical Psychology as I was doing more counselling than teaching. I have worn two rubber, silicone bracelets on my right wrist for many years: One turquoised-coloured says, “Never Surrender,” and the other, purple-coloured, says, “Justice & Equality.” I have seen much. I have been taught much. And I have been waiting for this day. I will have a box of tissues at my side–as I did when it was announced he had won the Presidency. Now, I have a disability and I am fifty-five going on fifty-six. I wish with my soul and heart I could be there. President-elect Barack Obama has given me renewed hope. I will be having my “own little celebration” here at home. (I am not able to work, and my husband works. So, he will see the video that I will cherish forever.) If I were still back in those “tough neighborhoods,” (Richmond, Oakland, Berkeley, etc.) I would play it and tell all, “Yes, you can.” “Yes, we can.” I am so proud to call myself an American. I am proud of my country. And all those who died, those who gave their lives not to sit in the back of the bus, those who died for civil rights, women’s rights, the right to free speech, I believe they will all be present. I truly believe their spirits will fill Washington, D.C. They rose the night President-elect Obama would become the forty-forth president, of these, the United States of America. I will not remove my two bracelets. They only remind me I did not give up, and I will keep on helping those less fortunate than I however I can even though I never went into these professions for the money. I went into these professions because I was driven or compelled to do my part. Tuesday, the 20th of January of 2009 is too far away. I wish it were now. Many waited for hundreds of years, died, and never thought this day would arrive. I can wait for a few more days. (I only wish I could have a “souvenir” of that day.)Thank you.

    — Rebecca H. Sussman

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The Inauguration

The Inauguration The latest updates on the plans for the 56th Inaugural.

Call for Inauguration Photos

Call for Inauguration PhotosAttach your inauguration- related photos in an e-mail to pix@nyt.com with your full name and the location where the picture was taken for publication on NYTimes.com.

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