Visual Simulation

Instruction manuals provided with your software are often good references for image editing. Third-party books written about your specific software might also be helpful. A Web search for keywords related to image editing and visual simulations can yield current articles and other resources on this topic. Keywords include:

  • Visual Simulations
  • Image Editing
  • Photo Editing
  • Landscape Visualization
  • Design Visualization

Although there are currently very few books written on image editing and visual simulations, a library search may yield some resources. In addition to using the keywords suggested for the Web, search your library for landscape architecture books which may have sections on image editing.

The following list of references includes papers and related articles on the science of visual simulation. Contact us if you know of additional references that should be added to our list.


  • Perkins, N.H. 1992. Three questions on the use of photo-realistic simulations as real world surrogates. Landscape and Urban Planning 21:265-267.
  • Sheppard, S. 2001. Guidance for crystal ball gazers: developing a code of ethics for landscape visualization. Landscape and Urban Planning 54:183-199.


  • Bergen, R. D., C.A. Ulricht, J.L. Fridley, and M.A. Ganter. 1995. The validity of computer-generated graphic images of forest landscape. Journal of Environmental Psychology 15:135-146.
  • Bishop, I.D. and P.N.A. Leahy. 1989. Assessing the visual impact of development proposals: the validity of computer simulations. Landscape Journal 8:92-100.
  • Lange, E. 2001. The limits of realism: perceptions of virtual landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 54:163-182.
  • Oh, K. 1994. A perceptual evaluation of computer-based landscape simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning 28:201-216.
  • Watzek, J.R. and J.C. Ellsworth. 1994. Perceived scale accuracy of computer visual simulations. Landscape Journal 13:21-36.
  • Wilson, J.S. and R.J. McGaughey. 2000. Presenting landscape-scale forest information: What is sufficient and what is appropriate? Journal of Forestry. December.

Process And Representational Options

  • Al-Kodmany, K. 1999. Using visualization techniques for enhancing public participation in planning and design: process, implementation, and evaluation. Landscape and Urban Planning 45:37-45.
  • Ervin, S. and H. Hasbrouck. 2001. Landscape Modeling: Digital Techniques for Landscape Visualization, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, NY.
  • Lange, E. and I.D. Bishop. 2005. Visualizations in landscape and environmental planning: technology and applications. Spon Press, NY.
  • Orland, B., K. Budthimedhee, and J. Uusitalo. 2001. Considering virtual worlds as representations of landscape realities and as tools for landscape planning. Landscape and Urban Planning 54:139-148.
  • Sheppard, S. 1989. Visual Simulation: A User's Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Planners. Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY.

Applications: Natural Resource Management

  • Bishop, I. D. and C. Karadaglis. 1997. Linking modeling and visualization for natural resources management. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 24: 345-358.
  • Bishop, I.D., J.R. Wherrett, and D. Miller. 2001. Assessment of path choices on a country walk using a virtual environment. Landscape and Urban Planning 52: 227-239.
  • Daniel, T. C. 1992. Data visualization for decision support in environmental management. Landscape and Urban Planning 21:261-263.
  • Hehl-Lange, S. 2001. Structural elements in the visual landscape and their ecological functions. Landscape and Urban Planning 54: 105-114.
  • Leonard, L. G. Revell, and J. Delaney. 2000. Adapting computer software to evaluate the visual impacts of farm forestry layouts. Report for the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program, Australia.
  • Schmid, W.A. 2001. The emerging role of visual resource assessment and visualization in landscape planning in Switzerland. Landscape and Urban Planning 54: 213-222.
  • Wilson, J.S. and R.J. McGaughey. 2000. Presenting landscape-scale forest information: What is sufficient and what is appropriate? Journal of Forestry. December.

Applications: Urban Planning And Design

  • Al-Kodmany, K. 1999. Using visualization techniques for enhancing public participation in planning and design: process, implementation, and evaluation. Landscape and Urban Planning 45:37-45.
  • Decker, J. 1994. The validation of computer simulations for design guideline dispute resolution. Environment and Behavior 26:421-443.
  • Lange, E. 1994. Integration of computerized visual simulation and visual assessment in environmental planning. Landscape and Urban Planning 30:99-112.
  • Levy R. M. 1995. Visualization of urban alternatives, Environment and Planning B 22: 343-358.
  • Liggett, R. and W. Jepson. (1995). An integrated environment for urban simulation. Environment and Planning B 22:291-305.