A product of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and the Farm and Industry Short Course

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The Grazing Community

The University of Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers doesn't just offer a world-class education in pasture-based dairy and livestock farming. We're also in the business of making friends.

In fact, that's the part of the school we're the most proud of.

Founded on Community

The school was created by a group of pasture-based dairy and livestock farmers who got together to share their experiences and help each other build successful farms. After the school was founded, that core group of farmers helped out by giving guest lectures during the Pasture-Based Dairy and Livestock Business Seminar, taking groups of students to their farms for pasture walks, and opening their homes and their families to students doing internships.

The spirit of community that was there when the school was founded never disappeared, and if anything it's only grown stronger over the years as new graduates start their own farms, speak in our classes and give back to the school.

Years Later

Years after graduation, the network of supporting graziers will still be there to answer your questions and help you out. By then you'll probably be one of our experts!


"The thing I think is most important about the school is the people I met through it."

Jon "JP" Primley, Class of 1996