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FCC Adopts Pilot Program Under Rural Health Care Mechanism.
Order: Word | PDF
News Release: Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF
Tate Statement: Word | PDF
McDowell Statement: Word | PDF

Commissioner Tate's Remarks to the Rural Cellular Association.
Word | PDF

FCC Establishes Procedures for Advanced Wireless Services Auction Scheduled to Begin June 29, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | PDF
Attachment A: Word | PDF
News Release: Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF
Tate Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Modifies Rules for 2496-2690 MHz Broadband Radio Service (BRS)/Educational Broadband Service (EBS) Spectrum Band to Facilitate Wireless Broadband Access.
News Release: Word | PDF
Martin & Tate Joint Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Adopts Relocation Procedures and Cost Sharing Rules to Facilitate Access of Spectrum for Advanced Wireless Services.
News Release: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF
Tate Statement: Word | PDF

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Released on FCC Seeking Comment on Proposals for Modifying 700 MHz Public Safety Spectrum to Accommodate Broadband Communications.
NPRM: Word | PDF
News Release (3/17/06): Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF

Verizon Telephone Companies' Petition for Forbearance from Title II and Computer Inquiry Rules with Respect to their Broadband Services Is Granted by Operation of Law.
News Release: Word | PDF
Joint Statement Martin & Tate: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

Commissioner Abernathy Congratulates Wireless Industry On Announcement of Wireless Content Guidelines.
Word | PDF

Statement by Commissioner Adelstein On CTIA's "Wireless Content Guidelines."
News Release: Word | PDF

FCC Clarifies Provisions of Nationwide Programmatic Agreement That Apply to Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian Organizations.
News Release: Word | PDF
Declaratory Ruling: Word | PDF
Martin & Abernathy Joint Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

Amendment of Part 2 of the Commission's Rules to Allocate Spectrum Below 3 GHz for Mobile and Fixed Services to Support the Introduction of New Advanced Wireless Services, including Third Generation Wireless Systems.
R&O/NPRM: Word | PDF

Enforcement Bureau Provides Further Guidance to Interconnected Voice Over Internet Protocol Service Providers Concerning Enforcement of Subscriber Acknowledgement Requirement.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

FCC Requires Certain Broadband and VoIP Providers to Accommodate Wiretaps.
Order: PDF
News Release (8/5/05): Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF
Abernathy Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Eliminates Mandated Sharing Requirement on Incumbents' Wireline Broadband Internet Access Services.
Order: Word | PDF
News Release (8/5/05): Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF
Abernathy Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Adopts Policy Statement on Broadband Internet Access.
Policy Statement: Word | PDF
News Release (8/5/05): Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Eliminates Mandated Sharing Requirement on Incumbents' Wireline Broadband Internet Access Services.
Order (9/23/05): Word | PDF
News Release: Word | PDF
Martin Press Statement: Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Adopts Policy Statement on Broadband Internet Access.
Policy Statement (9/23/05): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Requires Certain Broadband and VoIP Providers to Accommodate Wiretaps.
Order (9/23/05): PDF
News Release: Word | PDF
Martin Press Statement: Word | PDF
Abernathy Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Releases Data on High-Speed Internet Access Connections.
News Release: Word | PDF
Report: PDF

Commission Requires Interconnected VoIP Providers to Provide Enhanced 911 Service.
Order: Word | PDF
News Release (5/19/05): Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF
Abernathy Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

Remarks of Commissioner Adelstein at WISPCON VII on March 21, 2005, "WISPs: Providing Opportunities for Rural America through Access to Broadband."
Word | PDF

FCC Opens Access to New Spectrum for Wireless Broadband in the 3650 MHz Band.
Order: Word | PDF
News Release (3/10/05): Word | PDF
Powell Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Paves the Way for New Broadband Services in the Air.
Report & Order, NPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (12/15/05): Word | PDF
Attachment: Air-Ground Band Options
Powell Statement: Word | PDF
Copps Statement: Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

FCC Task Force Recommends Actions to Speed the Rollout of Wireless Broadband Services to Consumers Across America.
News Release: Word | PDF
Powell Statement: Word | PDF
Overview of Report: PDF

Commission Proposes Flexible Use of Ku-band Frequencies to Further Facilitate Provision of Broadband Satellite Services on Airplanes.
News Release: Word | PDF
NPRM : Word | PDF

FCC Modifies Advanced Wireless Services Rules to Provide Greater Flexibility and Access to Spectrum for Small and Rural Providers.
News Release:  Word | PDF
Order:  Word | PDF
Martin Statement:  Word | PDF
Copps Statement:  Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word | PDF

Remarks Of Jonathan S. Adelstein, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, "WISPS: Providing Opportunities For Rural America Through Access To Broadband," WISPCON VII, The Bolger Center, Potomac, Maryland, March 21, 2005. CMMR. [As prepared for delivery]
Word | PDF

FCC Expands Availability of Funding for Rural Telemedicine Services.
Order:  Word | PDF
News Release (12/15/04):  Word | PDF
Powell Statement:  Word | PDF
Commissioner's Statements:
Abernathy: Word | PDF
Copps: Word | PDF
Adelstein: Word | PDF

Chairman Powell's Remarks at WISPCON October 27, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada “WISPs: Bringing the Benefits of Broadband to Rural America”.
Word | PDF

Outreach Campaign to Ensure that Rural America Has Access to Affordable and Quality Telecom Services Marks First Anniversary with Much Success
News Release:  Word | PDF

The Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petitions to Redefine Certain Rural Telephone Company Service Areas in Wisconsin and Minnesota
Public Notice:  Word | PDF

FCC Solicits Consultation on Draft Tribal Communications Security Plan at National Congress of American Indians Mid-Year Session
News Release:  Word | PDF

FCC Begins Rulemaking Proposing to Allow Wireless Broadband Operations in the 3650-3700 MHz Band
NPRM:  Word | PDF
Powell Statement:  Word | PDF


FCC Proposes Rules for Broadband Over Power Lines to Promote Broadband Service to Underserved Areas and Increase Competition.
NPRM:  Word | PDF
News Release: (02/12/04)  Word | PDF
Powell Statement:  Word | PDF
Commissioner's Statements:
Abernathy: Word | PDF
Copps: Word | PDF
Martin: Word | PDF
Adelstein: Word | PDF

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Virginia Cellular, LLC Petition for Designation as an ETC in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Granted in part and denied in part, subject to enumerated conditions, the petition of Virginia Cellular, LLC to be designated as an ETC. (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 12/31/2003 by MO&O. (FCC No. 03-338)
MO&O  Word | PDF
Powell Statement:  Word | PDF
Commissioner's Statements:
Abernathy: Word | PDF
Adelstein: Word | PDF
Copps: Word | PDF
Martin: Word | PDF

FCC Adjusts Universal Service Rural Health Care Rules to Broaden the Benefits of Telemedicine Program.
News Release:  Word | PDF
Report and Order(11/17/03):  Word | PDF
Powell Statement:  Word | PDF
Commissioner's Statements:
Abernathy: Word | PDF
Copps: Word | PDF
Adelstein: Word | PDF

FCC Acts to Speed Broadband Deployment in Rural America: Announces Details of Rural Wireless ISP Showcase and Workshop to be Held November 4, 2003.
News Release: Word | PDF

FCC Proposes Amending Current Spectrum Regulations in Order to Promote Wireless Services in Rural America.
News Release:  Word | PDF
Chairman Powell:  Word | PDF
Commissioner's Statements:
Abernathy:  Word | PDF
Copps:  Word | PDF
Martin:  Word | PDF
Adelstein:  Word | PDF

FCC Continues Focus on Indian Telecom Initiatives with Visits to Standing Rock Sioux and Cheyenne River Sioux.
News Release: Word | PDF

FCC Commences Lands of Opportunity Initiative for Rural America.
News Release: Word | PDF

FCC and USDA Hold Kick-off Meeting of the "Federal Rural Wireless Initiative".
News Release: Word | PDF

FCC Seeks Comment on Programmatic Agreement Intended to Streamline the Review Process for Communication Facilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act.
News Release: Word | PDF
Powell Statement: Word | PDF
NPRM: Word | PDF
Appendix A: Word | PDF
Appendix B: Word | PDF
Appendix C: Word | PDF
Attachment 1: Word | PDF
Attachment 2: Word | PDF
Attachment 3: Word | PDF
Attachment 4: Word | PDF

FCC ACTS TO ENHANCE RURAL PARTICIPATION IN SPECTRUM AUCTIONS. The FCC adopted a provision that will increase the number of rural telephone cooperatives that are eligible for small business preferences in FCC auctions.
News Release: Word | PDF
Joint Statement of Powell and Adelstein:  Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF

The U. S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service (USDA/RUS) and the Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (FCC/WTB) meet to define ways to work together in outreach and strategy to increase the deployment of wireless telecommunications access and services for rural America.

FCC Takes Steps to Improve the Universal Service Schools and Libraries Program
News Release: Word | PDF
Fact Sheet: Word | PDF

Public Notice (DA 03-1048)
WTB Accords "Permit-But-Disclose" Ex Parte Status to Petition for Forbearance From E911 Accuracy Standards Imposed on Tier III Carriers
Word | PDF

Members of Consumer Advisory Committee named; Announcement of Agenda and 2003 meeting dates. (DA No. 03-876).
Word | PDF

Extending Wireless Telecommunications Services to Tribal Lands.
Order & NPRM:  Word | PDF
Powell Statement:  Word | PDF
Copps Statement:  Word | PDF
Adelstein Statement:  Word | PDF

Media Bureau seeks comment on National Translator Association's petition for rulemaking to establish a Rural Translator Service. (DA No. 03-622).
Word | PDF | Text

FCC releases new telephone subscribership report.
Word | PDF | Text

Notice of Inquiry (FCC-02-325)
Facilitating the provision of spectrum-based services to rural areas and promoting opportunities for rural telephone companies to provide spectrum-based services.
Word | PDF

Public Notice (DA 02-3470)
WTB Seeks Public Comment on Petition for Forbearance from E911 Accuracy Standards Imposed on Tier III Carriers
Word | PDF

WTB Notices (FCC-02-327)
Implementation of Section 6002(B) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993/Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions With Respect to Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS)
Word | PDF | Text

Spectrum Policy Task Force releases report setting forth recommendations for spectrum policy reform.
Word | PDF

FCC Issues Notice Seeking Data for its Eighth Annual CMRS Competition Report.

Remarks by Chairman Powell at the National Summit on Emerging Tribal Economies, in Phoenix, AZ.
Word | PDF | Text

Revisions of the Commission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems: Phase II Compliance Deadlines for Non-Nationwide CMRS Carriers
Word | PDF | Text

Remarks by Commissioner Kevin J. Martin to the US Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service’s Public Meeting on Rural Broadband Access.

Public Notice: DA 02-1466, CC Dkt. 96-45. Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Smith Bagley, Inc. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Navajo Reservation in Utah. Comment Date: 8/21/02. Reply Comment Date: 9/5/02.
Word | PDF | Text

Order and Second Order on Reconsideration: FCC 02-181, CC DKTS 00-256 & 96-45. Multi-Association Group (MAG) Plan for Regulation of Interstate Services of Non-Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers & Interexchange Carriers; Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. The Commission waived on its own motion, the requirement that carriers file annual certifications on 6/30/02, in order to receive interstate Common Line Support.
Word | PDF | Text

Order on Reconsideration: FCC 02-171, CC DKTS 96-45 & 00-256. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service MAG Plan for Regulation of Interstate Services of Non-Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers & Interexchange Carriers. The Commission denied the petitions for reconsideration, and granted the petition for reconsideration filed by National Telephone Carriers Association on 7/5/01. Amended Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
Word | PDF | Text

Rural Health Care Support Mechanism: The Commission seeks comment on the proposed modifications to its rules and other changes governing the rural health care universal service support mechanism. Comments due 7/1/02. Reply comments due 7/31/02.
NPRM (WC DKT 02-60, FCC 02-122): Word | PDF | Text

First Order on Reconsideration in CC Docket No. 00-256, Twenty-Fourth Order on Reconsideration In CC Docket No. 96-45 Re: Multi-Association Group (MAG) Plan for Regulation of Non-Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. Modifying the Commission's procedures with respect to the initial filing by rate-of-return carriers of data necessary for the Universal Service Administrative Company to calculate Interstate Common Line Support. (FCC 02-89, CC Dockets 00-256 & 96-45).
Word | PDF | Text

NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING (FCC 02-81) Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band and Consolidating the 900 MHz Industrial/ Land Transportation and Business Pool Channels
PDF | Text

FCC Updates Merger Review Process. The FCC adopted rules to streamline review of applications for section 214 authorization to transfer control of domestic transmission lines (Dkt No 01-150).
News Release: Word | PDF | Text
Commissioner Copps' Statement: Word | PDF | Text

ORDER (FCC 02-47), WT Docket No. 00-32, The 4 .9 GHz Band Transferred from Federal Government Use and Designated for Use in Support of Public Safety. Final rule: 67 FR 17009, 4/9/2002, Proposed rule: 67 FR 17038, 4/9/2002
PDF | Text

Appropriate Framework For Broadcast Access to the Internet over Wireline Facilities Universal Service Obligations of Broadband Providers computer III Further Remand Proceedings: Bell Operating Company Provision Of enhanced Services;. 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Review Of Computer III and ONA Safeguards and Requirements.. (Dkt No. 95-20, 98-10, 02-33). Action by: The Commission. Comments Due: 04/15/2002. Reply Comments Due: 05/14/2002. Adopted: 02/14/2002 by NPRM. (FCC No. 02-42). CCB
Word | PDF | Text

The Commission released a report concerning the "Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Capability to All Americans in a Reasonable and Timely Fashion."
Third Report (CC DKT 98-146, FCC 02-33): Word | PDF | Text

The Commission released an NPRM and Order seeking comment on a variety of ways to streamline the administrative and procedural processes of the schools and libraries program, and denies certains petitions for reconsideration. Comments are due April 5, 2002, and reply comments are due May 6, 2002.
NPRM & Order (DKT 02-6, FCC 02-8): Word | PDF | Text
Statement: Commissioner Copps

Review of the Section 251 Unbundling Obligations of Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers; Implementation of the Local Competition Provision of the Telecommunications Act Of 1996; Depolyment of Wireline services Offering Advanced Telecommunications. Comments 60 days and replies 105 days respectively after publication in the Federal Register. (Dkt No. 96-98, 98-147, 01-338). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 12/20/2001 by NPRM. (FCC No. 01-361). CCB
Word | PDF | Text

In The Matter of Review Of Regulatory Requirements For Incumbent Lec Broadband Telecommunications Services. Comment Date 45 Days after Publication in the Federal Register. Reply Comment Dates, 30 days after Comment Date. (Dkt No. 01-337). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 12/12/2001 by NPRM. (FCC 01-360). CCB
Word | PDF | Text

Federal-State Joint Board On Universal Service Petition of The State of Alaska for Waiver for the Utilization of Schools and Libraries Internet Point-of-Presence in Rural Remote. Granted the waiver request filed by the State of Alaska on January 29, 2001, subject to the conditions. Adopted: 11/29/2001 by ORDER. (FCC 01-350). CCB
Word | PDF | Text

Order. The Common Carrier Bureau released an order granting Saddleback Communications and Qwest Corporation for request for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules. We also grant Saddleback's request for waiver of the "all-or-nothing" rule to permit Saddleback to operate under rate-of-return regulation and section 69.3(e)(11) to permit Saddleback to participate in the NECA common line tariff effective upon closing of the transaction. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 11/30/01) DA-01-2777
Word | Text

The Commission released a Report and Order in the Multi-Association Group (MAG) proceeding that reforms the interstate access charge structure for rate-of-return carriers, and creates a new universal service support mechanism, Interstate Common Line Support, to replace implicit support for universal service in their access charges. The companion Further Notice seeks additional comment on the MAG incentive plan and on the MAG's proposed changes to the Commission's "all-or-nothing" rule. It also seeks comment on pricing flexibility measures for rate-of-return carriers, and on merging the Long Term Support mechanism into the new support mechanism as of July 1, 2003. Comment date: February 15, 2002, Reply Comment date: March 18, 2002.
Order (DKT CC-96-45, 00-256, 98-77, 98-166, FCC 01-304): Word | PDF | Text

Public Notice. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Seeks Comment on Review of Lifeline and Link-Up Service For All Low-Income Consumers. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 10/11/01) FCC 01-J-2
PDF | Text

2000 Biennial Regulatory Review Separate Affiliate Requirements Of Section 64.1903 Of The Commission's Rules. Institute a broad-based reexamination of Part 64, Subpart T of the Commission's rules, which establishes safeguards for the provision of certain interexchange services by incumbent independent local exchange carriers (LECS). (Dkt No. 00-175). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 09/13/2001 by NPRM. (FCC No. 01-261). CCB. Contact Michelle Carey
Word | PDF | Text

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order granting in part a request from Citizens/Qwest for study area waivers to allow Citizens to acquire approximately 158,000 access lines in Arizona. Denies Citizens request to create a new study area in Arizona, and requires Citizens to include the acquired access lines in its existing Arizona study area. Permits Citizens to maintain the status quo by continuing to receive rural high-cost loop support for its existing access lines in Arizona, pending Commission resolution of issues related to rural self-certifications, the definition of a rural telephone company, and further examination of section 54.305 as it relates to the transfer of exchanges between non-rural carriers after the phase-down of interim hold-harmless support. (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1536, released 6/29/01)
Word | Text

The Commission released an Order, consistent with the recommendation of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service that modifies the rules for providing high-cost universal service support to rural telephone companies for the next five years based upon the proposals made by the Rural Task Force.
Order (DKT CC-96-45, CC 00-256, FCC 01-157): Word | Text
Errata to FCC 01-157 (6/1/01): Word | Text

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Data Collection

Trends in Telephone Service Report. This report provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the telephone industry asked by consumers, members of Congress, other government agencies, telecommunications carriers, and members of the business and academic community.

Telephone Subscribership Report. This report details telephone subscribership by state, income level, race, age, household size, and employment status.

Telephone Penetration Report. This report presents data on telephone penetration levels by state for various income levels.

Federal-State Joint Board Monitoring Reports. These reports and supporting data detail developments in the telecommunications industry. The reports cover industry revenues and contributions; low income support; high-cost support; schools and libraries support; rural health care support; telephone subscribership and penetration; rates and price indices; network usage and growth; quality of service; infrastructure; and revenues, expenses and investment.

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last reviewed/updated on 03/17/09 

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