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Production Process

Elsevier Editorial-Production manages the production (post-acceptance) and (for many journals) editorial review (pre-acceptance) process from offices located around the world . Every journal has, as its main contact, a Journal Manager who oversees all aspects of the editorial review and/or production process. Editorial Production workflow and tracking are supported by three main systems: Elsevier Editorial System (EES), Production Tracking System (PTS) and Electronic Warehouse. Using these systems, Journal Managers move articles through the review and production processes which include:


• communicating and prompting action from authors and reviewers in the editorial review process;

• sending and receiving material;

• communicating required actions between Elsevier, authors, our typesetting and printing suppliers, and ScienceDirect.


Our partnership with the global suppliers responsible for language editing, typesetting (and article formatting), coding and preparation of files for online or print publication enables internal journal management staff to focus on managing the full process and promptly resolving problems. Quality control at our suppliers is administered by Journal Managers, local supply managers at each editorial production site and centralized global supply managers. Elsevier’s supplier validation process and requirements are extensive and designed to ensure reliably high quality of output and adherence to labor and management standards. 


Editorial-Production also provides 24/7 telephone and email support to editors, authors and reviewers who have technical questions about EES, general queries about the editorial or production process, article status and other miscellaneous topics.





US & Canada: +1 888 834 7287 (toll-free for US & Canadian based customers)

Asia & Pacific: +81 3 5561 5032

Europe & ROW: +353 61 709 190

Production Speed

Making sure your journal is available to readers and researchers in a timely manner.

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