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About the Central Valley Project (CVP)

The CVP Today

The CVP serves farms, homes, and industry in California's Central Valley as well as the major urban centers in the San Francisco Bay Area; it is also the primary source of water for much of California's wetlands.

In addition to delivering water for farms, homes, factories, and the environment, the CVP produces electric power and provides flood protection, navigation, recreation, and water quality benefits. While the facilities are spread out over hundreds of miles, the project is financially and operationally integrated as a single large water project.

The CVP:

Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region  Public Affairs Office  2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
Main (916) 978-5100   |   FAX (916) 978-5114   |   TDD (916) 978-5608
Reclamation Officials' Telephone Numbers

Last update: November 20, 2008

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