Regional Programme

IRC's regional work is contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal targets for the WASH sector. The programme is pursued by advocating for, and facilitating the development of improved decentralised local water governance processes in selected countries for sustained pro-poor, demand-responsive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) service delivery and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

East Africa

In East Africa, IRC's activities are very much geared towards the district levels. Stimulating learning and sharing at the district level are at the heart of the East Africa programme. In Uganda this is being done throughout the LeaPPs programme: focusing on household sanitation and hygiene. In Ethiopia, as consortium partner within the RiPPLE project, IRC aims to advance evidence-based learning on water supply and sanitation throughout the creation of Learning and Practice Alliances.

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Latin America

The objective of the programme is to contribute substantively to the achievement of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) related MDGs in Latin America, as well as more generally to the provision of sustainable WASH services to the poor and the improved management of local water resources.

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South Asia

The focus in the regional programme for South Asia will be on the strengthening of the south-south relations in the IRC network of existing partners. The strategy focuses primarily on improving the performance of stakeholders in the sector by the development of a platform for learning and sharing.

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Southern Africa

IRC's focus in the Southern Africa region is to strengthen intermediate levels [province, district, municipality] capacities of the various actors involved in pro-poor WASH governance. WASH governance taking place in a local IWRM context.

The Southern Africa Regional Programme (SARP) consists of two main components:

- Enhancing regional knowledge networking, so as to facilitate and support organisations and networks to effectively address the key WASH issues;

- Knowledge development, innovation, documentation and sharing initially mainly in South Africa but also in other countries in the region, in a number of prioritised thematic areas.

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West Africa

IRC has proven capacities to help local organisations address governance issues and improve WASH provision. Building on more than 15 years of cooperation with regional partners CREPA and TREND, IRC plans to share the philosophy, ideas and skills with all parties in the region willing to strengthen local governance in West Africa.

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