DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
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Please use this form to suggest a journal to be included in DOAJ. The directory contains fulltext, open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system to guarantee the content.

What we don't include in DOAJ?

  • Newsletters that mainly inform about an institution.
  • Journals that charge any access or subscription fees.
  • Journals that have an embargo period.
For more information See our selection criteria.

Note: Please make sure that the journal you are suggesting is not already in DOAJ.
Note: Fields with the * sign are mandatory.

Journal Title *
Journal ISSN
Journal EISSN
Journal Contact Person Name
Journal Contact Person Email
Your name *
Your Email *
Security * To avoid automated posting software, please type in the word displayed in the image

  DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, 2009, Lund University Libraries, Head Office