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The University of Tennessee | Institute of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Economics

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The department conducts research on consumer food demand, health and nutrition, food safety, agricultural marketing, federal food and nutrition programs, and food and agricultural policy. Issues addressed include the economic determinants and consequences of consumer food choice, the roles of food assistance programs on household food security and other health and nutritional outcomes.

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Extension


  • "Food Demand by Low-income Households.” USDA-ERS Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP), 2007–09. Cooperative agreement. Steven Yen, PI.

Selected Publications

  • Food Stamp Program Participation and Food Insecurity: An Instrumental Variables Approach
    Yen S.T., M. Andrews, Z. Chen, and D.B. Eastwood
    American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(1):117–132. 2008.
  • A Sample Selection Approach to Censored Demand Systems
    Yen, S.T., and B. Lin.
    American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(3):742–749. 2006

The weekly Market News provides information of agricultural marketing, policy and associated food-related issues.

Our Extension faculty also work with Tammy Algood, an area food marketing specialist.