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Subjects Agriculture and Food Sciences Forestry

20 journals belonging to subject: Forestry

ISSN: 14053195
Subject: Animal Sciences --- Agriculture (General) --- Forestry
Publisher: Colegio de Postgraduados
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish, English
Keywords: animal science, livestock, agriculture, forestry
Start year: 2000

BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management
ISSN: 14884666
EISSN: 14884674
Subject: Biology --- Forestry
Publisher: FORREX Forest Research Extension Society
Country: Canada
Language: English
Keywords: conservation biology, forest dynamics, natural resource extension, science-based information, socio-economics, sustainable ecosystem management, watershed management
Start year: 2001

Bosque (Valdivia)
ISSN: 03048799
EISSN: 07179200
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Universidad Austral de Chile
Country: Chile
Language: English, Spanish
Keywords: agricultural sciences
Start year: 1975

ISSN: 01047760
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Keywords: forestry, silviculture, forest ecology, forest management, wood-technology
Start year: 1996

Ciência Florestal
ISSN: 01039954
EISSN: 19805098
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Departamento de Ciências Florestais
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Keywords: forestry, silviculture, forest ecology, forest management, wood-technology
Start year: 1991

Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering
ISSN: 18455719
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Forestry Faculty of Zagreb University
Country: Croatia
Language: English
Keywords: forestry, forest engineering, timber harvesting, forest operations
Start year: 2005

Drvna industrija
ISSN: 00126772
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb University
Country: Croatia
Language: Croatian, English
Keywords: wood properties, wood products, wood processes
Start year: 2005

ISSN: 18240119
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology - SISEF
Country: Italy
Language: Italian, English
Keywords: silviculture, forest ecology, ecophysiology, conservation genetics, forest biodiversity, forest management
Start year: 2004

iForest : Biogeosciences and Forestry
ISSN: 19717458
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology - SISEF
Country: Italy
Language: English
Keywords: forest, biogeoscience, forestry
Start year: 2008

Investigación Agraria
ISSN: 11317965
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: The Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Country: Spain
Language: English, Spanish
Keywords: forest, plant production, plant health, breeding and genetics
Start year: 1998

Nova mehanizacija sumarstva
ISSN: 18458815
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Forestry Faculty of Zagreb University
Country: Croatia
Language: Croatian
Keywords: forestry, forest engineering, timber harvesting, forest operations
Start year: 2005

Open Forest Science Journal
ISSN: 18743986
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Bentham open
Country: United States
Language: English
Keywords: forest ecology, tree genetics, wood quality, wood production, silviculture
Start year: 2008

Revista Árvore
ISSN: 01006762
EISSN: 18069088
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Sociedade de Investigações Florestais
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Keywords: agricultural sciences
Start year: 2002

Revista Forestal Venezolana
ISSN: 05566606
Subject: Environmental Sciences --- Forestry
Publisher: Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)
Country: Venezuela
Language: Spanish
Keywords: forest sciences, vegetal physiology, forest pathology, entomology, plantations, genetics, forest improvement, river basins
Start year: 1997

Revista Geografica Venezolana
ISSN: 10121617
Subject: Forestry --- Environmental Sciences --- Geography
Publisher: Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)
Country: Venezuela
Language: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese
Keywords: forest sciences, geographic sciences, conservation of natural resources
Start year: 1999

Revista Quebracho
ISSN: 03280543
EISSN: 18513026
Subject: Forestry
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Keywords: forestry, environment, Latin America region
Start year: 1994

Rocznik Dendrologiczny
ISSN: 08602646
Subject: Forestry --- Biology
Publisher: Polish Botanical Society
Country: Poland
Language: English, Polish
Keywords: dendrobiology, trees, dendrological collections, horticultural taxonomy
Start year: 2005

Silva Fennica
ISSN: 00375330
Subject: Botany --- Forestry --- Ecology
Publisher: Finnish Society of Forest Science, Finnish Forest Research Institute
Country: Finland
Language: English
Keywords: forest science
Start year: 1998

Silva Lusitana
ISSN: 08706352
Subject: Environmental Sciences --- Forestry
Publisher: Estação Florestal Nacional
Country: Portugal
Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Keywords: forestry, environmental sciences
Start year: 2001

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
ISSN: 1300011X
EISSN: 13036173
Subject: Agriculture (General) --- Forestry
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
Country: Turkey
Language: English
Keywords: agriculture, forestry
Start year: 1998

  DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, 2009, Lund University Libraries, Head Office