Legal Victories

Legal Cases

Whether defending your rights from attack or seeking front-line justice to establish your rights, EFF battles for digital freedom in the courts. Help us with this important work.

  • 2009 DMCA Rulemaking
    For the 2009 rulemaking, EFF filed three exemption requests with the Copyright Office today aimed at protecting the important work of video remix artists, iPhone owners, and cell phone recyclers from legal threats under the DMCA.
  • NSA Spying
    Cases brought against corporations complicit in the NSA's warrantless surveillance of millions of Americans' private domestic communications.
  • Travel Screening
    Before you get on an airplane, the government wants to sift through the personal details of your life. If the data analysis says you're a security risk, too bad -- you may have no way of challenging the error.
  • USP v. Durkee
    EFF is representing Savitri Durkee, an activist concerned with preserving the character of New York City's Union Square and Union Square Park.
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