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Streptococcus mutans Search Results

Record: 1 of 1  
MiniMap tRNA-Ala-5 rRNA-16S-5 rRNA-23S-5 IGR1565.1 IGR1564 IGR1562 IGR1565 IGR1563 IGR1566 IGR1561 IGR1567 IGR1560 rl36, - SMu1819.1 if1,infA, - SMu1820 rs13,rpsM, - SMu1819 rs11,rpsK, - SMu1818 rl17,rplQ, - SMu1816 rl15,rplO, - SMu1823 adk, - SMu1821 rpoA, - SMu1817 gshA, - SMu1815 secY, - SMu1822 rl36, - SMu1819.1 if1,infA, - SMu1820 rs13,rpsM, - SMu1819 rs11,rpsK, - SMu1818 rl17,rplQ, - SMu1816 rl15,rplO, - SMu1823 adk, - SMu1821 rpoA, - SMu1817 gshA, - SMu1815 secY, - SMu1822 if1,infA, - SMu1820 rs13,rpsM, - SMu1819 rs11,rpsK, - SMu1818 rl17,rplQ, - SMu1816 rl15,rplO, - SMu1823 adk, - SMu1821 rpoA, - SMu1817 gshA, - SMu1815 secY, - SMu1822 rl36, - SMu1819.1

LANL Gene ID: SMu1816

GenBank Locus Tag: SMU.2000c

DNA Molecule Name:

GenBank ID:

Gene Name:
rl17  rplQ  

50S ribosomal protein L17

Cellular Location:
Cytoplasm [Evidence]

Gene Start:

Gene Stop:

Gene Length:

Molecular Weight*:


Net Charge*:


Functional Class:
Protein synthesis; Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification  

Gene Ontology:
Biological process
  GO:0006412    translation

Cellular component
  GO:0005622    intracellular
  GO:0005840    ribosome

Molecular function
  GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome

Pathway: pathway table

Secondary Evidence:
Boylan,S.A., Suh,J.W., Thomas,S.M. and Price,C.W. Gene encoding the alpha core subunit of Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase is cotranscribed with the genes for initiation factor 1and ribosomal proteins B, S13, S11, and L17. J. Bacteriol. 171 (5): 2553-2562 (1989) [PubMed: 2496109].

For other 'rl' genes see SMu1819.1 (rl36);SMu1909.1(rl32);SMu0108 (rl28);SMu1840 (rl3);SMu1839 (rl4); SMu1837 (rl22); SMu1835 (rl16); SMu1834 (rl29); SMu1832 (rl14); SMu1831 (rl24); SMu1830 (rl5); SMu1827 (rl6); SMu1826 (rl18); SMu1824 (rl30); SMu1823 (rl15) and SMu1941 (rl9).

View in HOMD Genome Viewer

Blast Summary:  PSI-Blast Search
Many strong matches in gapped BLAST to 50S Ribosomal protein L17; residues 1-128 are 96% similar to 50S Ribosomal protein L17 of Streptococcus pneumoniae (gi15902260); residues 1-128 are 95% similar to 50S Ribosomal protein L17 of Streptococcus pyogenes (gi15675947).

See Spy0081.

The best hit to the Streptococcus agalactiae 2603 V/R genome is to SAG0085 (5e-64).

Top Blast Hits:  Updated monthly
Click here to view the entire PsiBlast results.
 gi|24380342|ref|NP_722297.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17 [Str...   206   4e-52
 gi|15902260|ref|NP_357810.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17 [Str...   199   6e-50
 gi|56807382|ref|ZP_00365363.1|  COG0203: Ribosomal protein L...   197   2e-49
 gi|22536270|ref|NP_687121.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17 [Str...   197   2e-49
 gi|139472954|ref|YP_001127669.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17 ...   197   2e-49
 gi|15675947|ref|NP_268487.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17 [Str...   197   2e-49
 gi|77412564|ref|ZP_00788856.1|  ribosomal protein L17 [Strep...   196   3e-49
 gi|125717013|ref|YP_001034146.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17,...   195   7e-49
 gi|55821878|ref|YP_140320.1|  50S ribosomal protein L17 [Str...   195   8e-49
 gi|157074666|gb|ABV09349.1|  ribosomal protein L17 [Streptoc...   194   9e-49

InterPro Summary:  InterProScan

Ribosomal protein L17
PD004277 [18-124]T 0.0 PD004277 Ribosomal_L17 Ribosomal_L17
PTHR14413 [1-67]T 2.9999875044572E-54 PTHR14413 Ribosomal_L17[84-128]T 2.9999875044572E-54 PTHR14413 Ribosomal_L17 Ribosomal_L17
PF01196 [16-128]T 4.799987227981041E-59 PF01196 Ribosomal_L17 Ribosomal_L17
TIGR00059 [2-128]T 4.93535216788582E-66 TIGR00059 L17 L17
PS01167 [30-52]T 8.0E-5 PS01167 RIBOSOMAL_L17 RIBOSOMAL_L17
G3DSA:3.90.1030.10 [1-128]T 9.49996855930854E-39 G3DSA:3.90.1030.10 G3DSA:3.90.1030.10 G3DSA:3.90.1030.10
SSF64263 [10-128]T 5.7E-37 SSF64263 SSF64263 SSF64263

COGS Summary:  COGS Search
BeTs to 13 clades of COG0203
COG name: Ribosomal protein L17
Functional Class: J
The phylogenetic pattern of COG0203 is ----yqvcebrhujgpolinx
Number of proteins in this genome belonging to this COG is 1

Blocks Summary:  Blocks Search
***** IPB000456 (Ribosomal protein L17) with a combined E-value of 1.6e-54.
    IPB000456A    15-58
    IPB000456B    75-128

ProDom Summary:  Protein Domain Search
Residues 87-127 are 82% similar to a (RIBOSOMAL 50S PROTEOME COMPLETE) protein domain (PD249232 which is seen in Q9CDY4_LACLA.

Residues 4-59 are 85% similar to a (RIBOSOMAL 50S PROTEOME COMPLETE) protein domain (PD004277 which is seen in Q9CDY4_LACLA.

Residues 5-66 are 51% similar to a (RIBOSOMAL 50S CHLOROPLAST PROTEOME) protein domain (PD389410 which is seen in RL17_SYNP6.

Residues 88-128 are 63% similar to a (RIBOSOMAL 50S PROTEOME COMPLETE) protein domain (PD408674 which is seen in RM08_YEAST.

Paralogs:  Local Blast Search
SMu1816 has no significant similarity (blastp p-value < 1e-3) to any other gene in this genome.

Pfam Summary:  Pfam Search
Residues 16 to 128 (E-value = 4.3e-62) place SMu1816 in the Ribosomal_L17 family which is described as Ribosomal protein L17 (PF01196)

Top PDB Hits:
No significant hits to the NCBI PDB database.

Gene Protein Sequence:

Gene Nucleotide Sequence:  Sequence Viewer

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