Enterprise Transition Plan

Enterprise Transition Plan

The Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) is the Department’s integrated business transformation plan, which incorporates the transition plans of the Military Services, Components and the DoD Enterprise. It provides a roadmap for achieving DoD’s business transformation by implementing changes to technology, process, and governance. The ETP contains time-phased milestones, performance metrics, and a statement of resource needs for new and existing systems that are part of the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and Component architectures. The ETP also includes a termination schedule for legacy systems that will be replaced by systems in the target environment.


The September 2008 ETP marks the Department’s fourth delivery of an integrated ETP. It provides details on the business transformation progress for 80 systems and initiatives, including 11 enterprise resource planning systems. With the coming change in administration, it is particularly useful for new DoD and Congressional leaders. In recognition of this transition, Chapter 1 provides a DoD business transformation primer–Approach, Progress and Challenges, that is intended to acquaint new leaders with the Department’s current approach to business transformation, recent progress and the challenges ahead.


To assist in meeting these challenges and achieving organizational objectives, the Department is focused on enabling change readiness through five key enablers. Chapter 2 includes a complete description of these enablers.


  • Enterprise Governance: The Department is expanding the role of the Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) from an approval authority for business system investments to becoming the Department’s single decision forum for business operations.

  • Enterprise Processes: Fully implement processes already described, such as Lean Six Sigma and the Business Capability Lifecycle, as well as the end-to-end business flows for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems across the Enterprise.

  • Enterprise Standards: The Department continues to create standards for data, integration, processes and other implementation requirements.

  • Enterprise Architecture: Enabling change readiness begins with the enterprise architecture. The federation strategy roadmap details the initiatives planned to link the Enterprise, Component and Program architectures.

  • Implementing ERP Systems as the Enterprise Backbone: ERPs will form the backbone of the future business Information Technology environment. Currently, the Components have responsibility for 9 of the 11 ERPs, while the Business Transformation Agency manages the other two.


Chapter 3, Business Enterprise Priorities, reports on the progress and plans for achieving the six priorities. Chapters 4-10, Component Transformation, report on the progress and plans for achieving the Components’ business transformation priorities and for providing capabilities to the warfighter. This ETP includes for the first time program dashboards for each program and initiative, and business capability and system metrics. The dashboards acquaint the reader with the programs’ descriptions, approaches, benefits and milestones. The metrics document program performance in achieving business capabilities.


Taken as a whole, the ETP not only responds to the requirements of the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Act, but it also provides the context and perspective for understanding the Department’s transformation progress and its plans for the coming fiscal year.



Last updated: December 8, 2008