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Supplements are publications of single-topic articles of special educational merit and published in addition to the regular issues of the journal.

Supplements may be based on the proceedings of meetings or an invited collection of manuscripts that are published through the financial support of nonprofit organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, device and equipment companies and/or their designates, or medical education companies. Supplements are mailed with the parent journal to the readership and are usually separately bound (free standing) issues.

Publishing a sponsored supplement offers a cost effective method of reaching a target audience of professionals. Supplements are peer reviewed, indexed, and covered by the major data base and contents services (Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, etc) in the same manner as the parent journal. A supplement will be available on the journal's home websites as well as ScienceDirect.

External link   Key benefits of publishing a supplement to an Elsevier journal
External link   First steps in publishing a supplement
External link   Additional options you may wish to consider
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Key benefits of publishing a supplement to an Elsevier journal

  • Association with a prestigious journal
  • Rapid publication - with a turnaround time of around 8-12 weeks (6-week fast track for some journals) from acceptance to publication, a supplement is a timely means of disseminating educational information
  • Quality content, peer-reviewed, and approved by the journal's editorial office
  • Citable material circulated to the journal’s subscribers, including libraries and indexing services, ensuring a high level of visibility
  • Contents edited in the style and format of the parent journal
  • Online visibility on the Journal’s home website and ScienceDirect®, Elsevier’s electronic database for the scientific world that receives requests for full text articles ranging from 2,000 to 2 million per journal.

For a detailed guide to Elsevier Pharma Solutions, download the 2007  MCA guide

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Here are the first steps in publishing a supplement:

1. Call or email for page costs and questions about procedures:

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Fiona Macnab
Head of Sales (Pharma)
Pharmaceutical Information Sales Department
32 Jamestown Road
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7424 4259
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7424 4433

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Craig Smith
Senior Supplements Editor
360 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010
Tel: +1-212-462-1933
Fax +212-462-1935

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Brian Jenkins
Senior Supplements Editor
360 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010
Tel: +1-212-462-1924
Fax: +1-212-462-1935

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2. All supplements require preliminary approval from the editorial office. You will be asked to submit the following:

  • A proposed table of contents with names and affiliations of corresponding authors
  • Name and affiliation of guest editor(s)
  • Name of sponsor(s)
  • If based on proceedings of a symposium, please provide date and venue of meeting.

If preliminary approval is granted by the editorial office, you will be asked to submit manuscripts for editorial and peer review.

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Additional options you may wish to consider:

  • Preprint: If you need a special handout for an upcoming meeting and have an approved proposal from the editorial office, we can provide a preprint for advance distribution. The preprint includes the Introduction of your supplement plus the abstracts of the articles to be published
  • CME, CPE, CE Accredited Supplements: We can publish your CME materials with a tear-out assessment test and evaluation form.
  • Elsevier Mailing Lists: In many cases we can obtain mailing lists from other Elsevier journals (North American and European titles) to increase distribution of your supplement.
  • Fast Track Schedule: Fast Track Schedules are available for some journals.
  • AMA Mailing Lists: We can acquire AMA mailing lists that specifically target demographics of your choosing.
  • Overruns: Extra copies of your complete supplement issue.
  • Complete Distribution Services: We can bulk ship and/or mail individual copies of your supplement out to any size mailing list anywhere in the world directly from our printer.
  • Online access: Free full-text access on the journal's website can be made available to all readers.  This can be augmented by email newsletters to targeted lists with links to free full-text access to your supplement.
  • Multimedia items linked to published supplements: We can offer you through the journals website the opportunity for adding sound, video images, discussion threads and added value hyperlinks to the online version of your published supplement. This gives you access to features not available in the print version of a supplement.
  • WebCast:  Elsevier offers full Internet Webcast capabilities, with global marketing resources for obtaining Webcast registrants.
  • Advertising:  While our United States titles do not allow display advertising in sponsored supplements, they are allowed in many of our European titles.
  • CD-ROMs of Your Published Supplement: The CD-ROMs may also contain video clips to further clarify and enhance figures or to more clearly demonstrate procedures and mechanisms of action.
  • Pocket-Size Supplements: After publishing a full-size supplement, we can do a pocket-size version that fits perfectly into a lab coat. These are great for Consensus Recommendations.
  • Wall Charts: We can produce and print wall charts intended for posting in doctors' offices to educate either caregivers or patients (e.g., regarding medication compliance).  


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We look forward to working with you. Please call or email with any questions.

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Fiona Macnab
Head of Sales (Pharma)      

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Craig Smith
Manager Supplement Sales                    

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Brian Jenkins
Exec Sr. Supplement Editor

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