CDC Antibiotics TV PSA :15 5/22/02 VIDEO: Open in pediatrician’s waiting room – moms and children in the background. AUDIO: Pediatrician: As a mom, I know you want to help them feel better. VIDEO: Cut to pediatrician with a child in exam room, mom is near. AUDIO: As a pediatrician, I know that when your child has a cold or flu, antibiotics just don’t work. VIDEO: Closeup of pediatrician lifting child off exam table. AUDIO: Talk to your doctor about antibiotics. VIDEO: Cut to child going to mom for a hug. AUDIO: And, you know, fluids, rest and hugs always help. VIDEO:Freeze frame and fade. Super CDC logo and tagline, 888#: Get Smart. Know when antibiotics work. Call-888-246-2675 Audio: Narrator: Call 1-888-246-2675for information.