
Special List 29: List of Selected Maps of States and Territories

Special List No. 29


To order a map, you need the following information:
  • Indicate the map is from Special List 29
  • Name of State
  • Entry Number
  • The date (if any) of the record
  • The file designation

17. [Map of] North Western America Showing the Territory Ceded

    by Russia to the United States. Compiled for the Department

     of State at the U.S. Coast Survey Office . . . 1867.

     1 inch to 80 miles. 25 x 38. Published. Physical features,

"Russian Settlements" (names underlined in red), and "Esquimaux

[sic] Settlements" (names underlined in blue). Filed as RG 75:

Central Map File, 970.

18.  Map of the (Alaska) Territory of the United States Including

     Islands on the North Pacific, Accompanying the Annual Report

     of Commissioner of the General Land Office for 1869.

     1 inch to ca. 80 miles. 2 sections, each 24 x 31.

Photoprocessed. Settlements and physical features. Map also

includes information on the climatology of Alaska. Filed as RG

49: Special Published, Alaska 2.

19.  Map Showing the Distribution of the Native Tribes of Alaska

     and Adjoining Territory. Compiled from the latest

     authorities by W. H. Dall, U.S. Coast Survey, 1875.

     1 inch to ca. 60 miles. 23 x 31. Published. Also shows

settlements, forts, and physical features. (Map 823 is another

copy of the map described here.) Filed as RG 75: Central Map

File, 469.

20.  Sketch Map of Alaska Furnished by the U.S. Coast and

     Geodetic Survey To accompany Report by Sheldon Jackson,

     D.D., U.S. General Agent of Education in Alaska, 1885.

     Small scale. 17 x 20. Annotated published. Annotated with

symbols to show locations of "schools ordered" and "schools in

operation." Also shows a few place names. A published copy of

this map without the annotations appears in S. Ex. Doc. 85, 49th

Cong., 1st sess. See also entry 21. Filed as RG 75: Central Map

File, CA 1.

21.  Sketch Map of Alaska, Furnished by the U.S. Coast and

     Geodetic Survey To accompany Report by Sheldon Jackson,

     D.D., U.S. General Agent of Education in Alaska, 1885.

     Small scale. 27 x 34. Annotated published. Alaska shaded

red. Symbols indicate locations of schools. These locations

differ somewhat from those shown in entry 20. Marked "B" on the

reverse of map. Filed as RG 75: Central Map File, CA 618.

22.  General Chart of Alaska . . . Coast and Geodetic Survey

     Report for 1890. No. 3 Compiled and drawn by A. & H.


     1 inch to ca. 60 miles. 29½ x 53. Published. Nautical chart.

Also shows topographical features and settlements. Filed as RG

75: Central Map File, 1395 (OS).

23.  Sketch Map of Alaska Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Education

     By the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey To accompany Reindeer

     Report by Sheldon Jackson, D.D., U.S. General Agent of

     Education in Alaska, 1893.

     1 inch to ca. 100 miles. 17 x 24. Published. Shows areas of

good pasturage for reindeer, military posts, settlements, and

missions. Filed as RG 75: Central Map File, CA 620.

24.  [Map of Alaska Compiled in the General Land Office, 1894.

     Compiled and drawn by Robert H. Morton.]

     1 inch to ca. 58 miles. 29½ x 35½. Manuscript. Shows

settlements and other place names. Relief shown by hachures.

Inset map of "Continuation of the Aleutian Islands." Filed as RG

49: Old Map File, Alaska 2.

25.  Map of Alaska and a Portion of the Northwest Territory

     Showing the New Gold Fields and the Route of the North

     American Transportation and Trading Company . . . Compiled

     and drawn by I. P. Berthong . . . Copyright, 1897, North

     American Transportation and Trading Company. 

     1 inch to 140 miles. 21 x 26. Published. Also shows general

topography and some place names. Filed as Ref. Coll.: Alaska,


26.  General Chart of Alaska To Accompany Reindeer Report of

     Sheldon Jackson, General Agent of Education in Alaska. 1897.

     1 inch to ca. 60 miles. 27½ x 40½. Published. Settlements,

missions, military reservations, and locations of reindeer

stations including "Reindeer Purchasing Station" in Eastern

Siberia. Copy of this map appears with report in S. Doc. 30, 55th

Cong., 2d sess. Filed as RG 46: 55th Cong., 2d sess., 1(K).

27.  Map of Alaska . . . 1898 [Compiled by the General Land


       1 inch to 48 miles. 2 sections, each 38 x 24. Published.

Map includes a table of "Distances" and shows overland and water

routes to the interior, proposed railroads, mineral deposits,

land district boundaries, locations of land offices, and church

missions. Inset map "From Juneau to Forty Mile Creek" at a scale

of 1 inch to 24 miles. Filed as RG 49: Special Published, Alaska


28.  Map of Alaska Showing Explorations by U.S. Geological Survey

     in 1898, Together with Principal Previous Routes of


     1 inch to ca. 57 miles. 25½ x 34½. Published. Also shows

settlements and other place names. Relief is shown by hachures.

"Report, Public Resolution No. 25, 55th Cong., 3d Session." Filed

as RG 46: 55th Cong., 3d sess., 1(A).

29.  Post Route Map of the Territory of Alaska Showing Post

     Offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in

     operation on the list of December, 1901.

     1 inch to 40 miles. 2 sections, each 36 x 26. Published.

Frequency and type of mail service, post offices, "settlements

and offices discontinued," missions, railroad lines, and railroad

stations. Frequency of service shown by colors. Map includes

"List of Post Offices in Alaska Territory" and inset maps of

Aleutian Islands and Southeastern Alaska. Filed as RG 28: State

Maps, Alaska, 1901.

30.  Map of Alaska [Published by the U.S. Geological Survey,


     1 inch to ca. 40 miles. 36 x 48. Annotated published.

Settlements and other place names. Annotated apparently to show

trails and a few corrections to shoreline. Drainage in blue;

contour lines in brown. "Issued as a Supplement to the National

Geographic Magazine, May, 1904." Filed as RG 49: Special

Published, Alaska 3.

31.  General Chart of Alaska To Accompany Reindeer Report by

     Sheldon Jackson, LL.D., General Agent of Education in

     Alaska, 1905.

     1 inch to 40 miles. 34½ x 50½. Published. Shows locations of

public schools, reindeer stations, and missions. Post route map

was used as a base map. Inset maps of Southeastern Alaska and

Aleutian Islands. Filed as RG 46: S. Doc. 61, 58th Cong., 3d

sess., 2. 

32.  [Map of] Alaska . . . Compiled [in the General Land Office]

     by M. Hendges and revised and drawn by Charles J. Helm.


     1 inch to 60 miles. 31 x 40. Published. Forest reserves,

military and Indian reservations, and reindeer station reserves

are shown in color. Also shows towns and telegraph lines. Small

inset plans of Sitka, Juneau, and Nome. Relief is shown in color.

Also a black and white base map (drainage in blue) for the same

date. Filed as RG 49: Standard Published, Alaska, 1906.

33.  Alaskan Exhibit Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Seattle,

     Washington. 1909 [map of] Alaska. [Compiled by the General

     Land Office.]

     1 inch to ca. 70 miles. 28 x 40. Published. Land district

boundaries, national forests, Indian reservations, and military

reservations are shown in color. Also shows settlements, bird

reserves, and public school reserves. Relief is shown in color.

Filed as RG 49: Special Published, Alaska 4.

34.  [Map of] Alaska [Compiled in the General Land Office by

     Daniel O'Hare] . . . 1909.

     1 inch to 60 miles. 33 x 44. Published. Land district

boundaries, military and Indian reservations, national forests,

and wildlife reservations are shown in color. Also a black and

white base map for this date. Filed as RG 49: Standard Published,

Alaska, 1909.

35.  Map of Alaska Showing the Known Distribution of Mineral

     Resources. Compiled under the direction of Alfred H. Brooks

     . . . Division of Alaskan Mineral Resources. [Issued by

     U.S. Geological Survey.] 1910.

     1 inch to ca. 80 miles. 19 x 26. Published. Also shows some

settlements. Filed as RG 46: S. Doc. 77, 62d Cong., 1st sess.,


36.  [Map of Alaska showing locations of reindeer stations and

     public schools for natives of Alaska. Issued by the U.S.

     Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior. 1910.]

     1 inch to ca. 80 miles. 19 x 26. Published. Also shows

military telegraph lines, wireless stations, settlements, and

drainage features. Filed as RG 75: Central Map File, CA 621.

37.  Post Route Map of the Territory of Alaska Showing Post

     Offices, with the intermediate distances on mail routes in

     operation on the 1st of January, 1915.

     1 inch to 40 miles. 2 sections, each 36½ x 25. Published.

Frequency and type of mail service, post offices, "settlements

and offices discontinued," missions, railroad lines, and railroad

stations. Frequency of service shown by different colors. Map

includes "List of Post Offices in Alaska Territory" and inset

maps of Tanana District, Aleutian Islands, and Southeastern

Alaska. Field as RG 28: State Maps, Alaska, 1915.

38.  Map of Alaska By the Alaska Road Commission, 1916.

     1 inch to 27.62 miles. 36 x 50. Published. Towns, wireless

stations, wagon and sled roads, pack trails, railroads, and

telegraph and telephone lines. Drainage in blue; contour lines in

brown. Inset maps of the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea Islands,

and part of the Arctic shore. (See also entry 41.) Filed as RG

126: Alaska, General & Transportation Maps, 5.

39.  Post Route Map of the Territory of Alaska Showing Post

     Offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in

     operation on the lst of January, 1917.

     1 inch to 40 miles. 2 sections, each 36 x 25½. Published.

Frequency and type of mail service, post offices, "settlements

and offices discontinued," missions, railroad lines, and railroad

stations. Map includes "List of Post Offices in Alaska Territory"

and inset maps of Tanana District, Aleutian Islands, and

southeastern Alaska. Filed as RG 28: State Maps, Alaska, 1917.

40.  [Map of] Alaska [Compiled in the General Land Office] . . .


     1 inch to 40 miles. 38 x 48½. Published. Land district

boundaries, military and Indian reservations, national forests,

and wildlife reservations are shown in color. Also shows U.S.

Government schools, towns, and telegraph lines. Relief is shown

in color. Inset map of the Aleutian Islands. Filed as RG 49: Old

Map File, Alaska 11.

41.  Map of Alaska By the Alaska Road Commission 1916 . . .

     [Corrected to Jan. 1, 1919].

     1 inch to 27.62 miles. 36 x 50. Annotated published.

Annotated to show military roads and military posts. Other areas

outlined in green without explanation are apparently national

forests. Noted: "Map Corrected to Jan. 1, 1919." Filed as RG 126:

Alaska, General & Transportation Maps, 6.

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