Institutional Food Market Coalition

Posted November 2008

Doug Wubben and Michelle Miller attended the Institutional Food Market coalition meeting at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). 38 participants heard from institutional food service buyers about their experiences purchasing from the Badgerland Produce Auction and the other three local food auctions around the state. Local food purchasing among the coalition members experienced a five-fold increase this past year. In 2007, four institutions purchased 19,000 pounds of produce, representing $11,000 in sales. In 2008, 16 institutions (including 3 distributors), purchased 92,000 pounds of produce, representing $54,000 in sales. The coalition launched a new web site at to give institutional buyers a sense of the playing field for buying local. The site will be expanded to include information on other venues for wholesale, large volume purchasing of local food beyond produce auctions.

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CIAS in the community

How do we get more local produce in the marketplace?

How do we get more local produce in the marketplace?

On December 8th, CIAS co-hosted a meeting for 50 public and private sector leaders to discuss the opportunities and challenges of fresh produce aggregation and distribution in Wisconsin. This meeting was supported in part by the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment, a UW-Madison based fund designed to foster public engagement and advance the Wisconsin Idea. The December 8th meeting exemplified the Wisconsin Idea, bringing together university and other public sector advocates and private sector food industry business leaders. The agenda for this meeting was designed to identify and begin addressing the key barriers to greater local food sale in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Notes from this meeting will be available shortly. For more information, contact Anne Pfeiffer, 608-890-1905.

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