
MARY KETCHERSID, Ph.D. Extension Specialist

Pesticide Safety Education - Agricultural Chemicals

Worker Protection Standard
(40-CFR PArt 170 - - - The Law and amendments to 1997)
EPA - Worker Protection Standard Office of Pesticide Programs
Worker Protection Standard WPS Brochure
Worker Protection Standard
References you may need as you prepare to re-train Agricultural Workers and Pesticide Handlers as required every five years by EPA.
Texas Agricultural Right to Know Law(full LAW)
Reducing Risks of Pesticide Exposure by Proper Selection and Laundering of Protective Clothing
Texas Agricultural Right to Know Law (RTK Brochure)
Endangered Species
Herbicide Mode of Action
Herbicide Mode of Action Powerpoint presentation
Plant Identification
Plant and Weed ID Powerpoint presentation
Centra Presentation of a Master Gardener Weed ID and Control program.
Master Gardener Chapter 1 Plant Growth and Development (Powerpoint Presentation)
Weed Alert - Lycianthes asarifolia
Weed Alert - Cuscuta japonica
Weed Alert - Branched Broomrape (Orobanche ramosa)
Weed Alert - Kudzu ( Pueraria lobata)
Round-Up Drift on Corn
Update of Pesticide Laws and Regulations August 2006 - Powerpoint Presentation
Safety DEMO What is SAFE and UNSAFE ?
General Safety
Pesticide Safety
Pesticide Technology to Reduce Risk
CALIBRATION plug in nozzle spacing, feet traveled in # seconds, and gallons per minute to get gallons per acre and speed.
Meet Mary K.
COS Summary
Yahoo Maps
Yahoo Phonebook


Educational programs of the
Texas Agricultural Extension Service
are open to all people without regard to race, color,
sex, disability, religion, age or national origin.
Calendar information or feedback:
Mary Ketchersid
(979) 845-6531

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This page was updated January 3, 2003

Mary Ketchersid / 13 July 1998