Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL)

New York State and Federal Legal Materials on the Web

image of books

State Legal Materials
New York City
United States Federal Law
Special Topic: Taxation
Foreign and International Law Sites
Other Legal Web Sites

Although the Library does not have a full law collection, the Science, Industry, and Business Library of the New York Public Library maintains an extensive collection of New York State, New York City, and Federal legal materials, including statutes, case law reporters and digests, administrative codes, and materials for legislative history. The library also has books and treatises about many legal topics for both legal practitioners and lay people, and maintains a selective collection of important academic law journals and other legal periodicals. This collection of Internet resources is intended to complement our paper collection; most of the materials available here we also maintain in print form at the library. Some materials, such as recent court decisions, appear more quickly here than in our paper collection. Some sources also offer basic key word searching, which may sometimes be helpful. However, please exercise caution. Searches done with the resources here may not be as comprehensive as searches possible with resources at the library, and some of the material here may not be sufficiently current. Whenever possible, the dates covered are indicated.

image of a feather

State Legal Materials

image of justice balance

New York State Court of Appeals Decisions

Full text of decisions from 1992 to date, searchable by topic, key word, or name of parties. Current year arranged by date. Very current; decisions often available the day after release. 

Written by Cornell law students, these bulletins offer extensive notes and commentary on significant recent New York Court of Appeals decisions.

image of gavel

New York State Assembly Gopher

The "Assembly Legislative Information System" contains Bills and resolutions of the current session searchable by number and key word,  and includes the full text, legislative memoranda, if any, actions (current status), and record of roll call votes, if any. Also includes the assembly calendar, hearing schedules, and New York State Statutes (consolidated and unconsolidated) and Constitution by title and section, and session laws of the current year by chapter number.

New York State Senate

Bills and resolutions of the current session searchable by key word (only), including current status and legislative memoranda, and records of roll call votes, if any. The New York State Constitution and Statutes (all consolidated and selective unconsolidated) available by title and section number (no subject index; also no indication of the currency of the text).  Session laws (chapters) for the current year and governor's chapter and veto messages available. Also includes Senate member directory with biographies, legislative schedule, Senate rules, and committee membership and schedules. This is a gopher site.

New York State Home Page

The home page for the executive branch, this site includes links to New York State government agencies. 

image of usa map

Laws & Regulations of U.S. States

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New York City

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New York City Council

Contains the full text of Local Laws of 1995 by name and by number. Also includes information about council members, committees, and schedules.

City of New York Home Page (Mayor)

Includes directories of city agencies, programs, and services.

Public Advodcate's Home Page

Includes a directory of city agencies. Also lists some agency publications.

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United States Federal Law

image of justice balance scale

United States Supreme Court Decisions

  • 1990-Date:
    Includes full text of syllabi and decisions from 1990 to date, searchable by topic, key word, or name of parties. Current year arranged by date. Very current; decisions often available the day after release.
  • 1893-Date:
    Browsable by year and searchable by US Reports citation, case name, and key words of the full text.

Opinions of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Contains the texts of decisions beginning 1995, listed by date. The Second Circuit covers New York, Connecticut, and Vermont, and Rhode Island.

government printing office logo

United States Government Printing Office

A wide range of materials provided by the the GPO, including Congressional bills (1993-date), the Congressional Record (1994-date) and Index (1992-date), Public Laws (104th Congress), the United States Code (laws in effect as of Jan., 1995), and the Federal Register (1994-date). Searchable by key word only. Any combination of available sources can be searched simultaneously. 

image of gavel

U.S. Congressional Bills

Thomas Legislative Information offers bills and public laws beginning with the 93rd Congress (1973-74), searchable by bill no., public law number, subject term, or key word. Also includes the Congressional Record and Index beginning with the 103rd Congress, and Congressional committee reports beginning with the 104th Congress

The United States Code

Titles 1 through 25 of this database are currently up-to-date through January 26, 1998. Titles 26 through 50 are up-to-date through January 6, 1997.  This cite allows you to search the United States Code by title and section or by key word.

The United States Senate

Includes listings of senators with their Web home pages and e-mail address, committees and their membership, and other general information about the Senate and the legislative process.

The United States House of Representatives

Includes a directory of members and their e-mail addresses if available, and schedules of activities.


reference books

Code of Federal Regulations

Each title is updated at the same time as the release of the paper edition. Searchable by title and section citation, or by keyword in any combination of titles.

Federal Register

Daily issues available 1994 to date, searchable by key word. Issues appear online the same day they are released in paper.


Special Topic: Taxation

U.S. treasury seal

Internal Revenue Service

Includes regulations, publications, and tax forms you can download.

New York State Dept. of Taxation and Finance

Tax forms, instructions, publications, and other information available here!

Other Tax Sites

Provides links to many other sites providing tax information, including other states' forms, instructions, and publications .


Foreign and International Law Sites


Foreign and International Law (Cornell)

Canadian Law (Université de Monréal)

International Trade Law Project




Martindale-Hubbel Lawyer Locator

The Martindale-Hubbel Law Directory is now available on the Internet. It allows you to search by lawyers and firms by name, geographical location, and areas of practice. 

Other Legal Web Sites

world wide web image

Legal Information Institute - Cornell Law School
WWW Virtual Library - Law

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Updated 11-98
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