Code of Federal Regulations



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How to Search the Code of Federal Regulations

Using the LII Index of Section Headings

The LII index of table of contents documents allows you to search all the section headings in the CFR and as a consequence retrieves sections in context. In other words you not only get sections whose headings contain your search terms but also those related sections in the same part of the Code.

This search engine supports the use of and, or, and not operators. Parentheses can be used to force the order of their operation (eg. "(cats and dogs) or turtles").

You have the choice of viewing your retrieved documents with the search terms highlighted ("emphasized") or not.


Using the U.S. Government Printing Office Search Engine

The U.S. Government Printing Office site offers full text of the CFR, both in its entirety and limited to a particular title. [GPO Search Engine]


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