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Biomass Guideline Committee 

The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) has completed development of its biomass harvesting guidelines for forestlands, brushlands and open lands.

These new guidelines are designed to be included in the MFRC’s 2005 forest management guidebook titled Sustaining Minnesota Forest Resources: Voluntary Site-Level Forest Management Guidelines for Landowners, Loggers and Resource Managers.  The new biomass guidelines are presented as two additional chapters to the 2005 guidebook:

Biomass Harvesting on Forest Management Sites
Woody Biomass Harvesting for Managing Brushlands and Open Lands

While the new biomass chapters have not been integrated into the rest of the 2005 guidebook, the existing guidelines have been fully integrated into the two new chapters. The biomass harvest chapters include extensive references to both the General Guidelines and the Timber Harvesting guidelines. As is the case with the rest of the activity-specific forest management guidelines in the guidebook (such as Timber Harvesting and Forest Road Construction and Maintenance), it is essential that the biomass harvest guidelines be considered and implemented in close conjunction with the General Guidelines (the green tabbed section of the guidebook).

For additional hard copies of the two biomass harvest chapters, as well as copies of the entire 2005 Guidelines, contact the Minnesota Forest Resources Council at 651-603-6761.

Background Information

The Project

The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) developed guidelines or best management practices for “sustainably managed woody biomass” for both forestland (MFRC) and brushland (DNR).  The primary purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance to natural resource managers, loggers, equipment operators, contractors, and landowners to assist them in making informed and appropriate decisions regarding biomass harvest on forestland and brushland sites. 

DNR Ecological Services, Fisheries and Wildlife, and Forestry divisions and the MFRC agreed to consolidate the guideline development effort into one process under the direction of the MFRC. A 12-member interdisciplinary technical committee developed two sets of guidelines: one for brushland and one for forestland. Both sets of guidelines  focus on the harvest of biomass while protecting the soil, water, and habitat that are essential to a healthy and sustainable ecosystem.


The MFRC Site-level Committee approved and appointed a Biomass Guideline Committee (BGC) committee to develop the harvesting guidelines for both forestland and brushland.  The Biomass Guideline Committee is composed of twelve scientists.  The technical committee reflects a range of expertise deemed pertinent to the development of these guidelines including: soil science, wildlife biology, hydrology, forest management, and silviculture.  

Meeting Dates and Summaries

April 20, 2006 - Meeting #1 Summary

May 16-17, 2006 - Meeting #2 Summary

June 15, 2006 -  Meeting #3 Summary                        

July 20, 2006 -  Meeting #4 Summary                             

August 17, 2006 -    Meeting #5 Summary

September 21, 2006 - Meeting #6 Summary

October 12, 2006 - Meeting #7 Summary

November 16, 2006 - Meeting #8 Summary

December 13, 2006 - Meeting #9 Summary

December 21, 2006 - Meeting #10 Summary

Project Documents

Public Review Comments
(Sample only, not all comments were available digitally)

Tim J O’Hara
Don Arnosti - IATP
MN DNR - Cover Letter
MN DNR - Brushlands
MN DNR - Forestlands

Peer Review Comments
Wetlands Ecology
Terrestrial Ecology

Project Contacts
For more detailed information about this project, contact: 

Dick Rossman
Division of Forestry
6603 Bemidji Avenue N.
Bemidji, MN  56601

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