Organic Seed Alliance
PO Box 772
Port Townsend, WA 98368
fax 360-385-7455

Colorado Office
Organic Seed Alliance
Supporting the Ethical Stewardship& Development of Seed
Supporting the
Ethical Development & Stewardship of Seed
Organic Seed Alliance
Seed News

Seed News - June 2008 Newsletter
That's right, you heard it here first. The revived OSA newsletter, Seed News, has a new issue out. Please read on to find out what we've been up to at Organic Seed Alliance.

Also, our Heirlooms of Tomorrow program is receiving press coverage. Check out this excellent article by Joan Obra in the Fresno Bee. It's called Seeds of Change: Farmers work to maintain beloved varities that otherwise could be lost. It's a great snapshot of the seed dilemma in which farmers are increasingly finding themselves these last many years.

Farmer-led, farmer-developed wheat variety
This is the final report on a new, publically-released farmer-led and -developed wheat variety. Steve Zwinger, OSA Plant Breeding Committee member, participated in this project as a member of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agricutlure Society Farmer-Breeder Club. The released wheat variety ‘Dylan’ was named after his son.

Roundup Ready Beet Challenge
Organic Seed Alliance is a plaintiff in a lawsuit that challenges the deregulation of herbicide-tolerant “Roundup Ready” sugar beets by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). We'd like to share with you the reasons for our decision to join this suit, our future plan of action, and ask for your understanding and support as we move forward. Please click here to read on.

You can read the full text of the Roundup Ready Beet complaint at Earthjustice's web page. This link will take you to a perspective piece by OSA's Director of Advocacy entitled Concerns with Contamination and Coexistence. And lastly, this link will take you to the press release for the lawsuit.

Seed News
RR Sugar Beet June 2008 Update
Popping Bean Utility Patent
And We Have the Seeds
Farmer Response to RR Sugar Beets
WSU Receives Organic Wheat Grant
NPSAS Wheat Variety
Biofuel Canola
Open Letter to OSA Supporters
Roundup Ready Beet Press Release
Roundup Ready Beet Complaint
Roundup Ready Beets: An OSA Perspective