U.S. Geological Survey


The 1996 Estimate of Undiscovered Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc Remaining in the United States


Mining has occurred in the United States from pre-Revolutionary times. How much of our Nation's total mineral wealth has already been discovered? How much is left? For conventional-type deposits that contain gold, silver, copper, lead, or zinc, about as much is left to be discovered in the conterminous 48 States as has already been discovered.

Why a Mineral-Resources Assessment Is Needed

As the Nation's economy matures, progressively greater attention is paid to land use and environmental quality as well as assuring long-term availability of mineral supplies to provide for the needs of future generations. National mineral-resource assessments provide a framework for addressing these issues by monitoring the nation's mineral wealth and by contributing to the debate over resource extraction versus environmental security. For responsible stewardship of our nation's lands, we need to know in which areas future mineral resources may be located, how much metal such resources might contain, and what environmental impacts might result from extraction of such resources.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a scientific study to estimate, for the first time, the amount of undiscovered gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc that could be present in yet-to-be-discovered mineral deposits 1 kilometer or less below the surface of the ground of the conterminous United States. This estimate is based on the best information and theory available to the USGS and is the most thorough, well-documented assessment of undiscovered deposits of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc ever assembled at this scale. Table 1 summarizes data on U.S. and world resources of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc. In Table 1, the estimated undiscovered U.S. resources can be described as the estimated amount of metal expected or most likely to occur in the undiscovered deposits. Statisticians define the values as "the mean of a probability distribution." To estimate undiscovered mineral resources, earth-scientists actually begin by analyzing their data and then estimating the number of undiscovered mineral deposits of a specific geologic type that they believe occur in an area. They make this estimate at several levels of certainty. For example, they may estimate from the geologic data that there is a 90-percent chance that the area has at least 1 or more undiscovered deposits of a specific type; a 50-percent chance of 3 or more deposits; and a 10-percent chance of 5 or more. They also know the amounts of metal contained in both large and small deposits of this type previously discovered in the area, nearby, and often around the world. With statistical methods and with the aid of a computer, scientists can combine their estimates with the information on the metal contents of discovered deposits to predict the probable amounts of metal expected to occur in undiscovered deposits in the study area.

Table 1. U.S. and world resources of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc
Estimated undiscovered U.S. resources 14,000 430,000 280,000 55,000 150,000
Discovered U.S. resources1 22,000 400,000 320,000 75,000 140,000
Total U.S. resources 36,000 830,000 600,000 130,000 290,000
Mineable world resources, excluding the United States2 61,000 390,000 570,000 110,000 310,000

1Estimates of discovered resources based on Singer, D.A., 1995, World class base and precious metal deposits - A quantitative analysis: Economic Geology, v. 90, p. 88-104.

2Same as the estimates of the Total, Reserve base, World total (excluding the United States) based on U.S. Geological Survey, 1996, Mineral Commodity Summaries 1996, 195 p.

How the Assessment Was Done

The assessment was based on mineral-deposit models. These models are sets of data that describe a group of deposits that have similar geologic characteristics, form in similar geologic settings, and have distinctive sizes and distinctive amounts of metal. Earth scientists begin an assessment by outlining large regions having geologic characteristics and settings broadly similar to those of one or more mineral-deposit models. Subsequently, they examine the geology of the region in detail in order to outline much smaller "tracts" of land having geologic features that more closely match those of the models (see example map below). These tracts are considered to be permissive for the occurrence of a specific type of mineral deposit. A total of 46 mineral-deposit models were used to delineate 12 regions (fig. 1, table 2) and 281 permissive tracts (fig.2) in the conterminous United States. These models fall into 5 general types of mineral deposits called vein, porphyry, replacement, stratiform-massive, and stratiform-disseminated deposits. Some of the deposit types contain all five metals, some contain only one or two, and some of these metals are present in only small amounts (table 3).

Map showing mineral rsource assessment regions
Figure 1. Map of the conterminous United States showing the 12 National mineral-resource assessment regions.

Example of a permissive tract map
Figure 2. Example permissive tract map - Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposit.


Table 2. Results of the National assessment by region.


Adirondack Mountains 0 0 0 0 700
Central and Southern Rocky Mountains 1,200 19,000 8,000 2,800 3,000
Colorado Plateau 0 0 100 0 0
East-Central United States 0 7,000 0 8,300 57,000
Great Basin 4,100 100,000 44,000 8,500 10,000
Great Plains 0 22,000 20,000 8,300 17,000
Lake Superior 1,100 67,000 39,000 1,100 15,000
Northern Appalachians 200 19,000 9,900 8,700 17,000
Northern Rocky Mountains 2,100 73,000 26,000 7,200 12,000
Pacific Coast 2,100 36,000 11,000 700 2,200
Southern Appalachians 1,200 19,000 11,000 2,600 8,200
Southern Basin and Range 2,000 68,000 111,000 6,800 7,900
Total, undiscovered deposits 14,000 430,000 280,000 55,000 150,000


Table 3. Results of the National assessment by mineral deposit types.
General mineral deposit type


Vein 7,800 120,000 9,000 0 0
Porphyry 2,800 42,000 190,000 0 0
Replacement 400 75,000 4,000 36,000 97,000
Stratiform - massive 900 53,000 19,000 19,000 53,000
Stratiform - disseminated 2,100 140,000 58,000 0 0
Total, undiscovered resources 14,000 430,000 280,000 55,000 150,000

At today's prices, the gross value of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in undiscovered deposits is estimated to be $1.2 trillion. Included in this gross value are such things as the value of the metals; cost of salaries paid for labor to find the metals and to build and operate the facilities to extract and refine them; and the returns (profits) to investors in metals exploration and development. This can be compared with the gross value at today's prices of the discovered (past production plus remaining reserves) gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, which is calculated to be $1.4 trillion. Thus, for conventional-type deposits in the conterminous 48 States, about as much is left to be discovered as has already been discovered, excluding discovered materials that have not been produced and are not currently classified as reserves. The gross value of the five metals in undiscovered deposits by general mineral-deposit type is shown in figure 3. This assessment marks the beginning of an ongoing assessment by the USGS of all mineral resources in the United States.

Gross value, in dollars,  of the five general deposit types
Figure 3. Gross value, in U.S. dollars, of the five general deposit types.

.Detailed results of the National assessment are available on a USGS CD-ROM for computers. Copies of Open-File Report 96-96, "Data Base for a National Mineral-Resource Assessment of Undiscovered Deposits of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the Conterminous United States," can be obtained from:

USGS Information Services
Box 25286
Denver Federal Center
Denver CO 80225-0046
Tel: 303-202-4700
Fax 303-202-4188

The data base consists of a series of computer files in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Adobe Illustrator formats. These can be used to generate tables, text files, maps, and graphs, along with an executable Adobe Acrobat file that can be used with the following operating systems: Macintosh OSTM, MS-DOSTM, WINDOWS 3.1TM, WINDOWS 95TM, WINDOWS 98TM, WINDOWS NTTM,and UNIX.1

1Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

This handout is available as an Adobe Acrobat file.

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National Mineral-Resource Assessment [4.9 MB]

For more information, please contact:

Joseph A. Briskey
U.S. Geological Survey
National Center, MS 954
Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: (703) 648-6112
E-mail: jbriskey@usgs.gov
Paul G. Schruben
U.S. Geological Survey
National Center, MS 954
Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: (703) 648-6142
E-mail: pschrube@usgs.gov

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
                              November 1997, revised August 1999
USGS Information Handout

This page is http://minerals.er.usgs.gov/emrst/pubs/assessment/index.html
Maintained by Judy Back
Last revised 08/18/99 (jb)