Committee's Page Views

This Week: 140   All-Time: 6676

House Judiciary Add to



John Conyers

Lamar Smith
Ranking Member

Tammy Baldwin

Howard Berman

Frederick Boucher

Christopher Cannon

Steven Chabot

Howard Coble

Steve Cohen

Artur Davis

William Delahunt

Keith Ellison

Tom Feeney

James Forbes

Trent Franks

Elton Gallegly

Louis Gohmert

Robert Goodlatte

Luis Gutiérrez

Darrell Issa

Sheila Jackson-Lee

Henry Johnson

Jim Jordan

Ric Keller

Steve King

Zoe Lofgren

Daniel Lungren

Jerrold Nadler

Mike Pence

Linda Sánchez

Adam Schiff

Robert Scott

F. Sensenbrenner

Brad Sherman

Betty Sutton

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Maxine Waters

Melvin Watt

Anthony Weiner

Robert Wexler

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