Coders' Rights Project

Coders' Rights Project logoEFF's Coders' Rights Project protects programmers and developers engaged in cutting-edge exploration of technology in our world. Security and encryption researchers help build a safer future for all of us using digital technologies, yet too many legitimate researchers face serious legal challenges that prevent or inhibit their work. These challenges come from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and state computer crime laws, among others. The Coders Rights Project builds on EFF's longstanding work protecting researchers through education, legal defense, amicus briefs and involvement in the community with the goal of promoting innovation and safeguarding the rights of curious tinkerers and hackers on the digital frontier.

Reverse Engineering FAQ

People have always explored and modified the technologies in their lives – from crystal radios to automobiles to computer software. Reverse engineering is one expression of the human impulse to take apart a system to see how it works. Unfortunately, legal regulation of reverse engineering can impact the "freedom to tinker" in a variety of ways. The Reverse Engineering FAQ gives information that may help coders reduce their legal risk.

Vulnerability Reporting FAQ

Discovering security flaws is only half of the battle – the next step is reporting the findings such that users can protect themselves and vendors can repair their products. Many outlets exists for publicly reporting vulnerabilities, including mailing lists supported by universities and by the government. Unfortunately, however, researchers using these public reporting mechanisms have received legal threats from vendors and government agencies seeking to stop publication of vulnerability information or “proof of concept” code demonstrating the flaw. The Vulnerability Reporting FAQ gives information that may help security researchers reduce their legal risk when reporting vulnerabilities.

A "Grey Hat" Guide

A computer security researcher who has inadvertently violated the law during the course of her investigation faces a dilemma when thinking about whether to notify a company about a problem she discovered in one of the company’s products. By reporting the security flaw, the researcher reveals that she may have committed unlawful activity, which might invite a lawsuit or criminal investigation. On the other hand, withholding information means a potentially serious security flaw may go unremedied.

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