DA - Sustainable Operations-HQs Green Team
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HQs USDA Green Team Updates

August - September 2008 - (includes updates and photos on the following):

  • Waste Minimization & Recycling
  • Energy
  • Alternative Commuting
  • Greening Our Food Services
  • Greening Our Landscaping

June - July 2008

  • Energy Updates - Electric Usage in July, Energy Saving Tips
  • Alternative Transportation - Bicycling
  • Waste Minimization and Recycling
  • USDA Headquarters Food Service - Farm to Cafeteria
  • Did You Know?

May 2008

  • Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs and Mercury
  • Recycling Fluorescent Tubes and Bulbs at USDA Headquarters
  • May Recycling Totals
  • Energy Management
  • Greening Our Food Service
  • Sustainable Landscaping
  • U. S. Botanic Gardens Sustainability Exhibit

April 2008

  • Closing the Circle Award
  • CSREES Green Team
  • Energy Management
  • Greening the Food Service
  • Recycling Updates

March 2008
  • Recycle Updates
  • Sustainable Landscaping
  • Sustainable Operations Council Updates

February 2008

  • Recycling and Waste Reduction Updates
  • Federal Times Highlights USDA's Efforts in Sustainable Practices
  • Green Housekeeping
  • Energy Management
  • Greening the USDA Headquarters Cafeterias

January 2008

  • Food Service
  • Energy and Water Management
  • Electronic Stewardship Program
  • Recycle/Waste Reduction News
  • Sustainable Landscaping

December 2007

  • Greening the Holiday Celebrations
  • The Forest Service hosted a “No Waste” Holiday party
  • The Departmental Administration Brunch also highlighted sustainable practices
  • The Greening of the Food Service is continuing
  • Energy Management Updates
  • Recycle News

November 2007

  • The November 15 America Recycles Day
  • Recycle your CFC 2007 Catalog
  • During the month of November we recycled approximately 41 tons of materials
  • Sustainable Landscaping
  • The Greening of our Food Services
  • Winter Operations
  • Energy Management
  • Forest Service finds it easier to be green

October 2007

  • Energy Awareness Activities
  • "Vampire Electronics" Is Major Electricity User; Energy Star Program Noted
  • Recycling
  • Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping
  • The Utility Energy Saving Contract

About the HQs Green Team


Should you have any questions about the current activities of the HQs Green Team, please contact:

EPA - Waste Wise - Preserving Resources, Preventing Waste EPA - Green Power Partner


See also header
    List of Recyclables and Non-Recyclables (PDF;45Kb)
    Recycle Charts (PPT;73Kb)
    USDA Headquarters Recycle Center Tour
    World Recycling Facility Tour
Sustainable Landscaping
    USDA Green Roof Project - (PDF; 140Kb)
    Whitten Charrette Final Report 2-08-08 (PDF;351Mb)
Biobased Products
    A Profile in Biobased Success (PDF;114Mb)
Energy & Water Management
    USDA/DA Energy News - May, 2008 (PDF; 4Mb)
    Results of "USDA Unplugged"
(PDF; 753Kb)
Green Housekeeping
    Going Green While Cleaning Up
Food Service
    USDA Cafeteria Tests Biobased Products (BioCycle Aug. 2006 issue) (PDF;147Kb)
Alternative Transportation
    Bicycle Commuting (Intranet access)
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