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Agricultural Labor
Funding and Grants

National Bureau of Economic Research, Labor Studies Program


The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Labor Studies Program looks at issues of employment and compensation, including the determinants of unemployment, the effects of labor unions, and the role of fringe benefits as part of a worker's compensation.


The Urban Institute, Center on Labor, Human Services and Population


The Urban Institute's newest center combines the former Labor and Social Policy staff with the previous Population Studies group, creating a research team able to track and analyze a broad range of safety net and demographic developments. Among other issues, current projects include immigration and labor markets.


Rural Migration News


Rural Migration News summarizes and analyzes the most important migration-related issues affecting immigrant farm workers in California and the United States during the preceding quarter. Topics are grouped by category: Rural America, Farm Workers, Immigration, Other, and Resources.

Last Modified: 03/08/2006
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