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Briefing Rooms

Vegetables and Melons: Policy


Marketing Orders
Research and Promotion
Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance
Market Access Program
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008

Vegetables and melons rarely enter mainstream farm policy debates because of limited acreage and relatively small Federal budget outlays on their behalf. Historically, Federal price and income support programs have not directly covered vegetables and melons, with most outlays stemming from a variety of general, noncrop-specific programs. Some of these include:

  • Federal Marketing Orders are currently in force for potatoes (four), onions (four), and tomatoes (one).
  • Federally sanctioned national research and promotion programs are in place for potatoes, watermelons, and mushrooms.
  • Federal production assistance programs such as Federal crop insurance, disaster assistance, and western irrigation subsidies.
  • Export programs such as the Market Access Program (MAP) include several vegetables and melons.
  • Federal food purchase and donation programs such as the School Lunch Program and the Food for Peace Program (P.L. 480) also cover vegetables and melons.

Marketing Orders

Marketing orders and marketing agreements are designed to help stabilize market conditions for fruit and vegetable products. The programs assist farmers by allowing them to collectively work to solve marketing problems. Industries voluntarily enter into these programs and choose to have Federal oversight of certain aspects of their operations.

For example, the only Federal marketing order in force for tomatoes covers the majority of fresh-market tomatoes produced in Florida between October and June. This order authorizes the handling of Florida fresh-market tomatoes by grade, size, quality, maturity, pack, and container. Grade, size, quality, and maturity requirements established under the order also are applied to tomatoes imported between October 10 and June 15 (under so-called 8e requirements), but the container and pack requirements are not. The order also provides authority for production research, marketing research and development, and marketing promotion, including paid advertising. Visit USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) website for more information about fruit, vegetable, and other specialty crop marketing orders.

Research and Promotion

Watermelons and watermelon  slices

Federally sanctioned research and promotion programs allow industry-funded joint promotion and research of a commodity by growers/shippers. Programs are currently in place for potatoes, watermelons, and mushrooms. Research and promotion programs are intended to expand, maintain, and develop markets for individual agricultural commodities in the United States and abroad. The Secretary of Agriculture appoints national boards to carry out these programs. Membership may include producers, handlers, importers, and processors (depending on which industry members pay assessments to fund the programs) as well as public citizens. The boards conduct promotion, market and production research, and new product development under the supervision of AMS. For more information, visit the AMS web pages for the potato, watermelon, and mushroom program areas.

Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance

USDA's Risk Management Agency administers crop insurance policies for many crops, including an increasing number of vegetables and melons, many of which have been created since the late 1990s. Policies, which can vary by State, may cover a single commodity regardless of its end use or provide separate coverage for fresh and processing markets.

Federal crop insurance is purchased prior to the growing season and provides an indemnity payment if the farmer's actual yield falls below a predetermined guarantee. The policies are sold and serviced by private insurance companies. Although crop insurance is not free to growers, the government subsidizes a significant portion of the insurance premium.

Growers of vegetables and melons who do not purchase crop insurance or do not have established Federal crop insurance programs for their crops are eligible for Federal financial assistance under the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), administered by USDA's Farm Service Agency. The program provides payments to qualified growers who lose at least 50 percent of their crop or are unable to plant more than 35 percent of their acreage due to a natural disaster. Payments are made on the loss exceeding 50 percent of expected production, based on producers' yield and production records. The amount disbursed to vegetable and melon growers under NAP varies depending on natural disasters (if any) affecting crops in a given year. Because many commodities in the vegetable and melon industry are still not part of the Federal crop insurance program, growers of such commodities are reliant on NAP.

In addition, vegetable and melon producers are frequently eligible for financial assistance during years of extensive crop loss. Producers of insured crops (covered by a crop insurance plan or NAP) may be eligible for the new Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance and for ad hoc disaster aid.

Producers eligible for disaster assistance programs are also eligible to apply for the Disaster Debt Set-Aside Program, whereby they may be allowed to set aside a portion of their Federal debt in order to maintain their farming operation (for more information, see Ongoing Disaster Assistance Programs for Agricultural Producers). Growers are also eligible for emergency loans and the Emergency Conservation Program.

Market Access Program

The Market Access Program (MAP), administered by USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service, provides matching grants to commodity marketing boards and cooperatives to help expand markets overseas for U.S. agricultural products. Regional trade promotion organizations may also be grant recipients. The vegetable and melon industry was directly allocated about $8 million in fiscal year 2008 MAP funds, about 4 percent of the $200 million program total. The industry will also likely benefit from allocations to State Departments of Agriculture and other industry or trade organizations.

Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008

The Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 was a groundbreaking farm act for the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry. Over the life of the current Farm Act (fiscal years 2008-13), approximately $3 billion is dedicated to issues of importance to the industry. These include programs covering nutrition, crop research, pest/disease programs, trade assistance, and conservation programs. In general, the legislation will help strengthen industry competitiveness in domestic and world markets. Fiscal years (FY) run from October 1 through September 30 of the designated year.

The Specialty Crop Competitiveness Act of 2004 became law in December 2004, but was subject to appropriation of funds each year, which were minimal. The major focus of this legislation was to provide block grants through the various State departments of agriculture for planning and conducting research programs of importance to local producers and consumers of specialty crops. The 2008 Farm Act reauthorizes and extends this Specialty Crop Block Grant Program through FY 2012 (the 2004 law ran through FY 2009). It also provides funding through the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) in the amounts of $10 million in FY 2008, $49 million in FY 2009, and $55 million per year during FYs 2010-12. Each State is to receive $100,000 or one-third of 1 percent of total funding for each fiscal year, whichever is higher.

The Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops (TASC) Program (introduced in the 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act, or 2002 Farm Act) is designed to open, retain, and expand markets for U.S. specialty crops. It helps U.S. exporters address phytosanitary or other technical barriers that prohibit or threaten exports of U.S. specialty crops. Eligible crops include all cultivated plants and their products produced in the United States, except wheat, feed grains, oilseeds, cotton, rice, peanuts, sugar, and tobacco. The 2008 Farm Act funds the TASC program (through the CCC) in the amounts of $4 million in FY 2008, $7 million in FY 2009, $8 million in FY 2010, and $9 million for each of FYs 2011 and 2012.

For More Information...


For more information, contact: Gary Lucier

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Updated date: October 30, 2008