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Advancing Water Resources Research and Management

Sept 22-26, 1996
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Still Open! At its January, 1997 meeting, the AWRA Board of Directors voted to keep AWRA on-line Proceedings open. Your membership in AWRA helps support this valuable service. Click here for information on joining AWRA.

On-line Proceedings Table of Contents

By title or author.

Listed by Title

Adaptive Short-Term Water Quality Forecasts Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Ming-Der Yang, Carolyn J. Merry, and Robert M. Sykes

Applying Geographic Information Systems to Ground Water Assessments
Christopher J. Richards, Honesto P. Roaza, and Thomas R. Pratt

ARCVIEW Applications in Stormwater and Wastewater Management
Uzair M. Shamsi and Bruce A. Fletcher

Developing a User-Friendly Tool for BMP Assessment Model Using a GIS
Richard Z. Xue, Timothy J. Bechtel, and Zhenquen Chen

Development of a GIS Database for Lake Ecosystem Studies
Weihe Guan and Leslie Moore

Effect of Spatial Resolution on Estimating Hydrologic Response and Economic Value of an Urban Forest
James E. Mitchell

GIDM: A GIS-Based Model for Dairy Waste Management Analysis
C. W. Fraisse, K. L. Campbell, J. W. Jones, and W. G. Boggess

GIS Modeling And Visualization of the Water Balance During the 1993 Midwest Floods
W. Scott White, Pawel J. Mizgalewicz, David R. Maidment, and Merrill K. Ridd

GIS Water Resources Tools for Performing in Floodplain Management Modeling Analysis
Clarence Robbins, Stephen P. Phipps

Hydrologic Modeling to Aid in Locating Monitoring Sites
W. D. Rosenthal and D. W. Hoffman

Implementing a GIS within a Resource Management Department
Robert Presley

Improving Regional Water Resources Planning with GIS and Internet -- The Dallas/Fort Worth Experience
John Promise, Samuel Brush, Scott Rae, and Sandy Blanchard

Linking GIS and Geomorphologic Field Research at Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
Scott N. Miller, D. Phillip Guertin, and David C. Goodrich

Maintaining a GIS: Critical Issues
Shane A. Imwalle

Mapping Subsurface Drainage Systems with Color Infrared Areal Photographs
Ashok Verma and Richard Cooka

Use of Arc/Info, EPA-SWMM and Unix Text Processing Tools to Determine Flood Extent
T.B. Cera, T.K. Tremwel, and R.W. Burleson

Physical Characterization of the Navarro Watershed for Hydrologic Simulation
Jeffrey D. Colby

Predicting Areas of Future Public Water Supply Problems -- Floridan Aquifer, Northeast Florida
Paula Fischl

Use of a Global Positioning System and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler to Map River and Lake Bathymetry
Nancy T. Baker and Scott E. Morlock

Using GIS and Regression to Estimate Annual Herbicide Concentrations in Outflow from Reservoirs in the Midwestern USA, 1992-93
William A. Battaglin and Donald A. Goolsby

Using Raster and Vector GIS Data for Comprehensive Storm Water Management
Stephen P. Phipps

Watershed Boundaries and Digital Elevation Model of Oklahoma
Joel R. Cederstrand and Alan Rea

Watershed-Scale Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling and Decision Support System Based on a Model-GIS-RDBMS Linkage
Jaewan Yoon

Listed by Author

Baker, Nancy T.
Battaglin, William A.
Bechtel, Timothy J.
Blanchard, Sandy
Boggess, William G.
Brush, Samuel
Burleson, R.W.
Campbell, Kenneth L.
Cederstrand, Joel R.
Cera, T.B.
Chen, Zhenquen
Colby, Jeffrey D.
Cooke, Richard
Fischl, Paula
Fletcher, Bruce A.
Fraisse, Clyde W.
Goodrich, David C.
Goolsby, Donald A.
Guan, Weihe
Guertin, D. Phillip
Hoffman, D. W.
Imwalle, Shane A.
Jones, James W.
Maidment, David R.
Merry, Carolyn J.
Miller, Scott N.
Mitchell, James E.
Mizgalewicz, Pawel J.
Morlock, Scott E.
Moore, Leslie
Phipps, Stephen P. (1), (2)
Pratt, Thomas R.
Presley, Robert
Promise, John
Rae, Scott
Rea, Alan
Richards, Christopher J.
Ridd, Merrill K.
Roaza, Honesto P.
Robbins, Clarence
Rosenthal, W. D.
Shamsi, Uzair, M.
Sykes, Robert M.
Tremwel, T.K.
Verma, Ashok
Wendte, Leon
White, W. Scott
Xue, Richard Z.
Yang, Ming-Der
Yoon, Jaewan


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