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Business & Economics
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The Minnesota Department of Agriculture provides information and assistance to those involved in the food industry. From farmers and growers to processors to retail establishments.

Included in this section of our website you'll find information for and about people and companies working in the farming and food industries. You'll also find economic reports, food business publications and other resources specific to Minnesota.

Promoting Minnesota Food & Companies

Farmers' Markets
The Department assists in starting a market for direct marketing purposes and helps organize structure, oversees food safety issues, and holds conferences and seminars to share strategies.

Minnesota Processed Foods Companies
Minnesota food companies work closely with the Department of Agriculture to promote their products, find buyers, receive refunds, and obtain advice on market strategy.

International Marketing
The MDA works to discover and develop potential markets for Minnesota's farmers and agribusinesses. International trade staff provide assistance to farmers and agribusinesses in evaluating market entry methods, understanding and obtaining regulatory requirements, finding partners, arranging shipping and financing and many other activities.

Assisting the Food Industry

Plan Reviews for Retail Food Establishments
A retail food establishment may not be constructed, remodeled, or converted from an existing structure to a retail food establishment, except in accordance with plans and specifications that are submitted and approved by the MDA. A plan review is required before a Food Handler License will be issued.

The Retail Meat and Poultry Processing Training Modules curriculum is a comprehensive training guide designed to assist you in teaching retail meat and poultry industry food handlers. The program emphasizes the importance of food handling practices that reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

County Economic Reports
The Agricultural Marketing Services Division provides economic profiles or livestock profiles for selected counties in Minnesota. These profiles include the economic output and employment data by industry, and livestock production statistics.

See all the topics in this section of the website

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