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Alternative Livestock Systems
MISA recognizes that livestock are an integral part of a sustainable agriculture system.  Livestock convert low-value feedstuffs into high-value food and fiber products, and at the same time produce valuable nutrients for plants.  Livestock of various types can be managed to improve pastures, control weedy species, increase soil carbon content, and prepare land for planting a crop.

MISA has been involved in the Alternative Swine Program since 1997.  In 2005, partially in response to the success of the Alternative Swine Program and demand from producers of other types of livestock, the Minnesota Legislature provided funding for MISA to expand its efforts. 

We are becoming involved in work on sustainable production and marketing systems for dairy, poultry, and meat goats.  For more information about MISA's work in these areas, contact:

Wayne Martin
Associate Director, Alternative Livestock Systems Program
University of Minnesota
385 AnSc/VetMedBld, 1988 Fitch Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108
Office phone: 612-625-6224
Fax:  612-625-1210